Saturday, October 22, 2022

Update: To Die For You If Need Be Chapter 21 Has Been Written

I've finished writing the latest chapter of To Die For You If Need Be and will start editing tomorrow at the earliest. All depends on how well I'm doing.

Here's a small unedited excerpt of what to look forward to:

"Tell your dragons to burn me alive and get this all over with." Randyll said.

"I'm not my father." I replied. "I executed with my dragons in Essos, but not here. I will respect the customs of Westeros even when putting enemies to death."

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"You will be beheaded. It is a quicker and less painful than being burned alive. I will give you the chance to say your last words."

"You're nothing but a usurper. Queen Cersei Lannister will end your conquest."

One of the Dothraki held Dickon back once he tried to go to his father's aid. The other raised his blade and the sun reflected off of it. The short amount of time it took for the Dothraki to behead Randyll seemed to slow down to an hour.

While the Tarly had seemed strong before, in the last second before his death there was a look of utter fear. He didn't move or try to flee, but he was afraid. If he were an ally, I would admire his bravery in the face of defeat.

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