Thursday, October 13, 2022

A Curse Chapter 6: Away to Sea

This is a Flight Rising fanfiction. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This fic was originally published HERE.

I didn't have long to wait to hear what the scouts reported. My feet were walking quickly over the land to the place Elfangor had called me and others to. Beside me were a mix of dragons and I didn't know why we were chosen. I was an experienced fighter but Axx was not a warrior and he was young. This might be his first battle and I didn't like the thought of losing Daenerys. But I wasn't in charge and so would agree to whatever plan Elfangor had.

"Why do you think we were called?" Jake asked. "What do you think happened?"

"No clue." Marco said with a shrug that nearly made him crash into the ground. "It must be serious because not everyone here has intelligence. I mean not everyone is from the Intelligence Department."

"Shut up, Marco." Rachel said with an eye roll.

"Marco is right." Cassie interjected. "It's unusual for Elfangor to assign a team that isn't from the Warrior Department."

Cassie's true familiar Aftran, a Hoarfrost Mauler, walked beside her and seemed to be forming theories of her own. The familiar looked like a bear with shards of ice protruding from her back, elbows, and knees. Something in the Skydancer had been able to tame the wilder sides of Aftran.

"It might involve the demons." Aftran said after a moment's silence. "At least in some way. If Elfangor wanted a team that would attack ruthlessly and survive, it would not be this one. Cassie and Mary both are adverse to violence."

"I can kill just as well as any dragon." Mary said weakly.

"I have no doubt. But you won't be able to react as quickly as Rachel or Jorah."

Dude, Tobias' Sunrise Troodo, was already nestled on Tobias. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be sleeping. Mary's true familiar, a Snowy Owlynx named Lang, only had his head peaking up from her back. He looked excited and I hoped that feeling would replace the dread I now felt.

"I wanted to be a Warrior." Axx said. "But there were too many Warriors and not enough Spies. I would like to finally be in a battle."

"Battle isn't something you should seek." I explained with a sigh. "While it is more thrilling than I can properly explain, it also slowly takes pieces of you you didn't realize were there. Are you willing to become something you aren't? Something that may keep you awake at night?"

"I am."

Axx looked like a twin of Elfangor, his father, just then. A look of pure defiance. He looked like he could take on the Shade himself no matter the costs. I knew he had no idea of the cost of battle, he was a Spy and not an Assassin after all, but I trusted him to have my back. When the moment passed I was confused about why I had felt so confident about him.

"Jorah is right, Axx." Rachel said. "You have no idea of what fighting can do to you."

"But you're a great fighter." Axx argued. "Many clans flee at just the sound of your name."

"I lose myself in battle. It's not something that is easily learned."

"Then teach me."

"If we both become Dracomorphs, I'll teach you if you still want to know."

All of the talk stopped once we were in the clearing. Most of the trees were broken, torn, or merely fallen on the ground. Currently this area was used for training. Though from its state Elfangor would most likely be choosing another area and this place would be regrown. Thus it was a perfect place to have secrecy from unwanted ears.

All of us, dragons and familiars alike, bowed to the four dragons in front of us. Seitou and Elfangor were in the front with Kaliforna and Nazilla behind them. The clan leader nodded and we stood up. I prayed that Daenerys wasn't in danger. But, at least, I would be coming to rescue her from certain death. At least if my dream wasn't a prophecy.

"Daenerys and the familiar Targaryen went on a peace keeping mission to Ren's Revenge." Seitou began and my heart stopped. "This was done as Ren's Revenge wanted to wage war against Yara Greyjoy. It is unlikely that Yara is aiming to attack Ren's Revenge, but they fear an assault as her attacks against other Beast Clans were also unprovoked."

"Has something happened to her?" I asked once my heart began beating once again.

"I understand your worry, Jorah, but I need silence now."

I bowed my head in shame. I should have known better than to speak while Seitou wasn't done talking. Daenerys' fate would remain the same no matter how quickly I got to her. Maybe that's what the dream meant. Maybe it meant I should slow down or else my love would have no fate other than death.

"For a long time there were no updates from Daenerys." Seitou said after he was assured I wouldn't continue talking. "It is usual for a diplomat to be unable to send constant updates. So when a month passed I wasn't disturbed. But then the silence continued and I was worried."

Though Seitou kept a calm demeanor, I knew he was broken inside. Even though he was no longer a Guardian, those traits would always be with him. Guardians were famous for finding a group and going to the ends of Sornieth for them. He cared deeply about Daenerys or else he wouldn't have sent Selene. That reminder helped keep me calm.

"I debated whether to send the Warrior Department or the scouts." Seitou continued. "But with my wife's help I decided not to be rash. If I were to rush to Daenerys' side it would be purely out of fear and I will not be a slave to fear."

"So what did Selene find out?" Axx asked impatiently.

I wanted to reprimand the young Mirror but I had done the same thing. It was not my place to reprimand Elfangor's son since I had committed the same impoliteness. The only thing I did was turn my head and raise an eyebrow in Axx's direction. From my glance alone he looked at everything but our clan leader.

"I understand the worry on Jorah's mind and admire his ability to remain quiet." Kaliforna said with a soft smile. "Daenerys is not injured or in any danger."

It felt as though the weight of the world had lifted from my shoulders. Whatever had happened did not involve her safety. I was grateful for Kaliforna answering my question as now I could approach this mission with a clear mind. Now that I didn't have to worry about my family, I found myself approaching what Seitou said at a distance.

Kaliforna should become leader if Seitou died. It was her who had allowed him to see clearly on what needed to be done. She was wise enough to help him remain calm when every fiber of her being would be telling her to rush to Daenerys' side. Kaliforna, after all, was the most talented healer the clan had ever known. She cared more for life than nearly any dragon I knew.

"Thank you, Kaliforna." I said and bowed low for her.

"I wish for you to be calm before you leave, Jorah." Kaliforna replied with a smile and slight nod of her head.

"I am sure that your husband would have reassured me soon."

"My wife made the better decision." Seitou said. "I should not have risked any information being lost on you."

"And I should not have interrupted you." I replied.

"We will both strive to be better in the future."


My fellow clan members looked at me and I didn't know whether out of annoyance or support. I could understand annoyance as I was keeping them from learning what our mission actually was. But at least it wasn't tied to how long my wife would live. Though I knew none of them would care as much as I about that fact.

"Daenerys isn't the reason I have called you here today." Seitou said. "The reason instead lies with Yara Greyjoy. The Guardian poses danger to all of Sornieth. A danger that can't be allowed to fester with the demons seeking to end free will on the continent."

"How could Daenerys not be in danger if all of Sornieth is?" Jake asked.

"For now she is much too small of a target to interest Yara. It is the same reason we don't focus on every ant during a battle."

"They are of no consequence to us."

"Correct. Daenerys is a mere ant to Yara for the near future."

Yara must have an extremely powerful weapon. A weapon that had never been seen by mere mortals before. Maybe even something from the first race. Could she have discovered the thing that had caused the first race to die? Selene nor any of the other scouts would have been able to know what anything from the first race looked like. Not without exploring further in which case a spy would have been sent.

"So you want us to destroy the weapon or capture it?" Marco asked.

There was a very faint worry to his tone. Destroying something would always be easier than capturing it. Destruction merely required brute force while capturing required finesse. Now that he had asked the question I realized why there was worry in his tone and why he had asked the question in the first place. We were from different departments, including a spy. This indicated Seitou wanted to capture the weapon.

While Marco was nervous, Axx looked excited. The son of Elfangor and Birchurawkp might think that there was a battle in our near future. He had always wanted to be a Warrior and this would be the closest he could get. Or maybe he thought this mission would be a way to prove to Seitou that the job of spy was far beneath him.

"While destroying the weapon would protect Sornieth, I don't feel that would be enough." Seitou answered. "With the demons determined to conquer the continent, we can't simply protect. Surviving and destroying the demons has to be our main concern. With a weapon so deadly, then, it is better to capture it and use it for our own benefit."

"How sure are we that the Intelligence Department will understand the weapon?" Mary asked and blushed. "And even if we can understand it it could take too long to do so."

"If someone like Yara can use it, so can we."

"Did the scouts see Yara use the weapon? Maybe she is only bragging about something she isn't capable of."

Mary grew more nervous as she continued talking. Yet even though she was afraid to talk, she was brave enough to continue her line of questioning. She didn't want anyone to die on a pointless mission. Especially since Marco, her crush, would be joining her. Not that she would ever admit that as a motive.

"You are asking me to question Selene, Mary." Seitou said sternly. "Her report had enough detail to reassure me that capturing it would be useful. She didn't know exactly how it worked nor did she see Yara use it, but she is certain what she saw. The weapon can be used and will work against the demons."

"You can kill the demons without harming the hosts?" Cassie asked.

"The priority is killing the demons, not saving dragons that are already lost."

"Why don't you tell Kali, one of our own, that you don't prioritize her safety."

"Kali is a member of this clan, that is different."

"It shouldn't be."

"In this life fairness should not be expected."

Cassie's tail twitched and she opened her mouth then quickly shut it again. Her questions were valid and I could understand her concern. The terror of having your body taken over by something else and then killed before you could achieve freedom was unspeakable. I would prefer to be killed rather than become a slave. Freedom or death.

"If it's either becoming enslaved by demons or remaining free, there isn't much choice." Marco said. "Sometimes things really are as simple as us versus them."

"I know you want things to be different, Cassie, but they can't be." Kaliforna said. "If we ever find a way to kill the demons without harming the dragons, we will take it. But we can't stake Sornieth's future on a mere hope."

"I understand, Kaliforna." Cassie replied and bowed.

The air thickened as if the Shadowbinder herself was watching. But that couldn't be the case as she had more important things to worry about. If we knew about the demons, she would have to know. It was highly unlikely the Plaguebringer would underestimate the threat and understood what it meant for the world. She might be impressed with the demon threat but she wouldn't risk the whole continent's future. I hoped. I prayed.

"I'm all for this mission, Seitou, but I don't know why Elfangor chose this group." Marco said. "Not all of us are Warriors or spies or scouts. Axx is extremely young, Mary doesn't like spilling blood, and Cassie is a pacifist. No offense, Cassie, but you shouldn't get in a fight if you won't land the killing blow."

"It's fine, Marco, I understand." Cassie replied. "I can defend myself but I'm not a killer."

Elfangor walked forward and everyone was silent. There was a majesty to his movements that made me feel utterly calm. I followed him because I trusted him completely. Even in the heat of battle, if he was near, I was never frightened nor did bloodlust overtake me. Seitou had chosen the perfect dragon to lead the Warrior Department.

"I know that not everyone in this group is the same and that's the point." Elfangor began. "A mixture of skills will be the most beneficial to the success of this mission. Marco, you were chosen due to your ability to strategize. You're able to look at things in black and white so as to make the most logical call. It is cold and calculating, but is the only way to survive in certain situations."

I could catch a grin on Marco's small face. It was not often Elfangor paid those outside of the Warrior Department a compliment. The fact that Elfangor complimented him also meant he had been watching every dragon more closely than I thought.

"Jake, I chose you for your ability to lead." Elfangor continued. "Whenever I am not able to attend a battle, I feel comfortable sending you in my stead. This mission is no different."

"I will not fail you." Jake replied with a small bow.

"Rachel Berenson and Jorah, you were chosen for your fighting skills. Jorah has managed to prove himself in battle while Rachel can kill even the toughest foe. If problems arise I know you can handle them."

Rachel remained calm but I had fought by her side enough to recognize her unease. While she was a great fighter, she had a fear that one day she would be consumed by her bloodlust. She also didn't like being thought of as only a killer. But she didn't argue with Elfangor.

"Axx, it is true that you are young." Elfangor said as he looked at his son. "But you have found a way to be adaptable in various situations. You are able to change your mindset when doing so will help you survive."

"Thank you, father." Axx replied with a bow.

"Tobias, you were chosen due to your ability to read the land quickly. Your Yun-Harla abilities are also extremely useful. Vergere does not appear ready to give away her secrets and I don't blame her. You were able to survive beyond the bounds of the continent. Many die or go mad if they have to endure what you did."

Tobias nodded politely and a faint smile graced Rachel's face briefly. It was his journey beyond the continent that had made him into a tougher dragon than before. He was a weakling previously but his misadventure brought out a side to him that no one had ever seen before.

"Cassie, you were not chosen for your fighting abilities." Elfangor continued. "Instead you were chosen due to how easily you find a peaceful solution. You are also one of the few dragons that are concerned about being moral even in the bleakest of situations."

"I won't fail you, Elfangor." Cassie replied. "I will make the Shadowbinder proud."

"Mary Graham, you were also not chosen for your ability to fight. Instead it is your healing abilities that I was interested in. I'm unsure of the dangers you'll encounter, but I know your friends will need a healer."

Mary looked nervous but she also had a gleam of determination in her eyes. She would be scared as one could get but would never give up. She would do her part to protect everyone in the group. Marco didn't look convinced but held his tongue. I was glad that he was allowing the Fae her moment. If Elfangor chose her then she would prove herself to the rest of the group as the mission continued.

"When do you want us to leave?" Jake asked.

It was hard to remain calm as I would leave soon. The sooner we left, the sooner Elfangor would declare the Dracomorphs. Though I didn't care about that as much as obtaining a weapon that could help defeat the demons. I knew Cassie would always have issues about killing helpless dragons, but saving the world always required the most heartless of sacrifices.

"You need to leave the clan as soon as possible." Elfangor answered. "The threat of the demons looms large over Sornieth."

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