Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Exploring The Betrayal (Part 24)

The weekend was really cold and I think by Thursday the weather will return to normal. I don't mind some cold but...I'm appreciating Florida weather much more now.

Now let's get back to The Betrayal by R.L.Stine!

Chapter 22

Jeremy isn't fully inside when Matthew Fier makes his move. Matthew raises his amulet over his head which makes the younger man pause. He knows something is up but not what. Matthew yells out "Dominatio per malum" which are the same words on the back of the amulet.

This causes Jeremy's head to explode! What the heck? At least I'm not the only person with a shocked reaction as everyone but Matthew is confused. Even though the whole thing is shocking, Mary was the only one to figure something was up.

A nice bit of body horror later and another head has replaced Jeremy's. Specifically William Goode's. It's revealed that Jeremy never existed and it was William the entire time! I admit to being impatient with reading this book that I...um...skipped ahead...anyways...

William and Matthew trade some 'witty' dialogue like "But your powers are stronger than mine." Though their lines are league better than Mary who has turned into an utter moron. She asks what happened to Jeremy when it's extremely clear there never was a Jeremy. So Matthew has to tell his daughter what's obviously going on.

William points an accusing finger at Matthew while Mary keeps acting like an idiot. She keeps asking about Jeremy which has grown more annoying. I could wave this stupidity away because she's in shock but...at some point she's going to have to realize the truth. I hope. The remaining Fier brother tells Constance to calm their daughter down.

But Constance is utterly spooked about what has happened that she can't move. Matthew again cries out "Domination per malum" and now it's revealed the phrase means 'power through evil'. Though I don't understand why he needed to cry out the translation.

It turns out Matthew's spell made the Goode man turn into dust. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, I guess. Mary ruins the moment by crying out to Jeremy who obviously never existed. As she continues to act like an idiot, her father laughs like the villain he is. Okay, Mary isn't the only one asking where Jeremy went. But on the other hand...the only other person who asks is Ezra aka the only kid in the house.

Edward picks his son up and holds him tight. Constance tells her husband to stop laughing which he doesn't as he's a villain. I'm so glad this wasn't adapted into the Netflix's Fear Street Trilogy as I'm having a hard enough time reading Mary crying out for Jeremy. I couldn't survive hearing the lines.

Edward grabs Mary's hand and says they have to go now. Mary says she can't go without Jeremy. Instead of telling her Jeremy obviously never existed, he merely reiterates that they have to leave now. There's chaos in the house with Matthew laughing and Constance being freaked out about her husband's behavior. I'm not going to lie, this scene is tense. Minus Mary crying about Jeremy.

Edward leaves Constance to deal with the mad Fier brother. The mad Fier brother that wouldn't stop laughing until he died.

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