Sunday, January 30, 2022

Cold Days (Mini-Review)

Cold Days is the fourteenth book in Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files. Harry Dresden's first order as the new Winter Knight is to kill the Winter Lady. But why would Queen Mab want to kill Maeve? Has Mab gone mad? Harry's job is made even harder when he must protect Demonreach from danger.

One of the ships that has been teased is Harry Dresden/Karrin Murphy. Near the very end of Changes the pair decided to try out a relationship. They decided that no matter what may happen in the future, they will risk it. That got put on hold when Harry temporarily died. But it's made very clear in this book that the relationship will never become canon. Why else would Karrin say she needs time to think about a relationship with Harry? She's had fourteen books to think about that very subject! Yet even though it won't happen, I'm sure it'll be teased hard enough so us shippers will be driven mad.

Nemesis/Outsiders are explained a little more during this book. Why haven't they been talked about more earlier in the series? Because if you talk about them then you could be infected next. This was either planned early on or is an extremely clever retcon. Maybe it's the Animorphs fan in me, but they remind me of Yeerks. I mean...a cat-like creature was taken over! If you're not an Animorphs fan, that awesome joke has gone over your head.

This is the first book since Changes that everyone is alerted to the fact that Harry is not dead. So when he introduces himself to some of his friends, they are surprised. I can understand about not everyone trusting him at first as there are creatures that can take on the forms of others.

Harry has two women thirsting over him. The first is Murphy who can't be with him main character of a series can't have a stable love life. Harry comments about Thomas having a more stable love life and it's because Thomas isn't the main character. The other woman is Molly Carpenter. I like the idea of him ending up with Molly because it's the right kind of wrong. It would show Harry giving into his feelings for her. Though it is strange that Murphy is jealous of Molly's bond to Harry.

In the beginning of the book Mab is making sure Harry fully recovers from nearly dying. He is helped by Sarissa who is a changeling that hasn't decided on whether or not to fully accept her faerie side. Now Mab shows her kindness in cruelty. So the way she makes sure Harry is fully recovered is by nearly killing him on a daily basis. Sarissa, as she's working closely with our favorite wizard, is usually dragged into his exercises.

We finally get to understand what Demonreach is. In past books people have hinted that the mysterious island is something more. But prior to this book no one has said what secrets the island is hiding. There's a big reason why Demonreach being in trouble is such a big deal. Basically it's like a prison and if the prisoners are released...lots of people will die.

I would recommend Cold Days to fans of the Dresden Files. I would also recommend Cold Days to fans of the paranormal and mystery genres.

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