Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Exploring The Betrayal (Part 17)

Even though this isn't the longest post, it took me a few days to cover this chapter. I was surprised how short this post was as the time it took to write it was long.

Now let's get back to The Betrayal by R.L.Stine!

Chapter 15

Mary races after Rebecca. Both women rush through the house. It turns out Rebecca was so shocked because Benjamin Fier is unresponsive on the ground. Obviously not by choice.

Rebecca says that she found the man in such a state. Mary is worried that the man is dead. If he is dead...I would want his death scene to be epic and this is not epic. Since he appears dead, both women assume that he is. Rebecca calls out for Matthew.

When Edward comes because of Rebecca's cries, he is instantly shocked and saddened that his father is dead. As Edward looks over Benjamin in shock, the 'dead' man blinks and both Edward and Mary cry out in shock. I knew he couldn't be dead! No way could such a villain die off page!

Mary yells out to Rebecca that the man who burned innocent women alive isn't dead. Rebecca lies against a wall and says a prayer. Edward tells Benjamin to not rush himself. In response to Edward's gesture, Benjamin says that he's fine.

After Benjamin sits up, with Edward's help, Mary asks him what happened. Benjamin isn't certain and knows only that he fell from the chair. Matthew finally arrives and asks who called him. He is shocked when he sees his brother sitting on the floor and Benjamin again says that he's fine.

So the guy who is crying out 'curse' to everything suddenly doesn't think that he fell because of a curse? Well once he attempts to stand up he has a look of surprise on his face. So maybe he's slowly putting the pieces together. No, he's only surprised that his left leg isn't moving and he doesn't have any feeling in it.

Matthew must think something supernatural is at play as he clasps his demon necklace.

Benjamin admits that something is wrong and so asks Edward for help. The man nearly falls but is kept upright by Edward and Mary. Benjamin remarks that there is so little feeling in his left leg that it's as if someone has taken it away from him. A someone named William Goode, perhaps?

There is a brief time jump to Mary walking by the woods in the late afternoon. Right before Jeremy comes into view, her body reacts. Not in a "I want to ride this man" but more in an oncoming migraine sort of way. I'm sure there is nothing to worry about. The man is currently dealing with some brambles at his feet. When she gets closer the leaves tremble.

Nothing to worry about here! Nope! Just Mary's imagination!

It turns out that Jeremy has been working to clear the brambles for three days so far. Each day Mary brings him water. After this short amount of time she swears she's falling in love with him.

Mary tells Jeremy that it feels like she has known him all her life. He admits to worrying that she won't come back for their afternoon meetings. During their short conversation it comes out that both know Mary's father won't approve of their relationship. It's then that Jeremy gets a little cruel by calling her rich which she waves away as him joking.

Mary admits that it wouldn't be Matthew that would have the biggest of problems with their relationship, it would be Benjamin. Jeremy inquires about Benjamin's health once the man is brought up. It turns out her uncle is slowly losing control and feeling in his limbs. Jeremy says that Mary's uncle is lucky to have her.

Then the pair finally kiss!

There is another time jump to when Edward and Mary are walking in the woods. He is walking faster than her and she cries out for him to slow down. He then apologizes by saying that he had been thinking about something. She asks if it's about Benjamin. When the duo see two blackbirds perched, Mary asks if they're a sign of good luck. Edward says that they're bad luck as black is associated with death.

Mary then complains that Edward is being too gloomy when the walk was supposed to cheer him up. But she asked a question and he answered...what's the problem? It isn't like he was saying sunflowers were a sign of death or something like that.

Edward apologizes and says that he can't help being so sad. Mary thinks he's sad because of his injury. He corrects her by saying that the health of his father and Rebecca worries him. Mary worries that the woman is sick but Edward reassures her. Rebecca isn't sick but she appears so different to him now. Mary agrees and adds that Ezra is hard to deal with.

As the sun sets, Edward says they should start heading home as it's close to dinnertime and Rebecca will worry. He says that he tried to talk to his father earlier but Benjamin only cared about being paralyzed.

Mary starts walking faster when they walk into a swarm of gnats. While doing so she nearly stumbles over a rock. I'm sure this is all coincidence.

After leaving the swarm of gnats, Edward talks about how strange his father's condition is. Benjamin should be fine and yet isn't. Mary reassures him that things aren't as dark as they now seem. Suddenly Edward stops and reacts to a horrific sight that the reader isn't yet privy to.

Both Mary and Edward and the reader realize that there is a fire in the woods. As if things can't get any stranger, the fire turns out to be restrained to a sphere where there is a person inside that is both trapped and in pain.

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