Friday, December 10, 2021

Exploring The Betrayal (Part 19)

Today was not a good vertigo day. I planned to work on my next book tomorrow but...might not if I'm still feeling bad once I wake up.

Now let's get back to The Betrayal by R.L.Stine!

Chapter 17

Mary screams out Rebecca's name as the woman's corpse continues to swing. She doesn't look away and notices little details about the deceased woman. Like Mary describes what Rebecca's skin looks like. So...yeah...this is a great start to a chapter.

Mary again cries out to Rebecca and falls to the ground. As she feels like she's going to faint, she bravely keeps her composure. She is one of the bravest characters in this book and deserves the best of life. Though I don't trust a Fear Street book to end happily for anyone involved.

Mary closes her eyes but she can still see Rebecca swinging. After comparing the deceased woman to ripe fruit, she wonders what happened. Well obviously the woman became too depressed and ended up killing herself. I mean...

Mary doesn't think it's as simple as Rebecca committing suicide. She thinks her family member was murdered. Finally she breaks as she can't believe what she's seeing. Without thinking she cries, screams, and goes outside.

Of course it has to be raining now. The scene has to be set properly and that can't be done in harsh daylight. So Mary runs through the rain crying out for Edward. She wonders where he and Ezra are. She also wonders how she will tell everyone that Rebecca is dead and if it's even possible to get Rebecca's dangling corpse out of her mind.

A house appears blurry as Mary has been crying and it's been raining. So she's not seeing things that clearly right now. As with all horror protagonists, she ends up tripping and falling down to dramatic effect. Though does it count as fulfilling the cliche if there's not a killer currently chasing her?

Mary is so shaken by seeing Rebecca's dangling corpse that she wonders if it's better to not get up. I can't really explain how depressing and graphic this chapter is in this post. So if you're feeling suicidal, possibly think about holding back on reading this book.

With more effort than anyone should have to use, Mary manages to stand up. She even manages to take a few steps. Her movement is cut short as she stands still upon seeing a dark figure. The person is dressed in the blackest black and does not appear to be moving.

Maybe it's Edward's corpse being used as a scarecrow?

To make sure the figure is real, Mary moves hair and rain out of her eyes. When it remains she knows that it is real. As it continues to stare at her without saying anything, Mary calls out to it. At this point what does she have to lose?

The figure, as with all mysterious things in horror books, remains silent.

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