Saturday, October 23, 2021

Exploring The Betrayal (Part 12)

Halloween is just around the corner. I thought of getting Peacock to watch Halloween Kills but...that's not enough to sell me on the streaming platform.

Now let's get back to The Betrayal by R.L.Stine!

Chapter 11

William Goode is gripped by grief over his family's death. He knows that he will always hear the death screams of his wife and daughter. Even when closing his eyes he sees in detail how they looked like when they burned. It wasn't for lack of trying that they died, he had done his best to run to them but two officers stopped him for some reason.

Remember: the Fier brothers had shown how little they cared about the village so the people of Wickham had no reason to burn the Goode women.

William remained on his knees long after his family was turned to ashes. He hadn't noticed that he was all alone with his grief and the memories that were now forever imprinted on his mind. He looks at the stars and knows that his family is among them. His grief turns into righteous fury.

As William walked through the village commons thoughts of the burnings turn to the Fier brothers. He thinks about the fact that they betrayed him and took away everything he valued in life.

Someone calls out to William which breaks him out of his intense thoughts. It takes him a little too long to focus on the person in his doorway instead of the Fier brothers. The person turns out to be Mary Halsey who has been taking care of George. She is shocked when he pushes her away because there is some more pressing matter he must take care of first.

William's house is dark. Very dark. Some could say too dark. He makes his way to a super secret black magic room that his family didn't know about. I assume it's something to do with black magic since there are black candles which means evil. Though in real life magic, black candles don't signal evil. Black in the magical world is actually pretty positive. But that's a story for another day.

As William enters the room and shuts the door, he says the purification ritual and reaches for the special robes. Because there has to be special robes for performing magic. He feels the power coming off of the robes.

When he continues with the spell work he thinks about the fact that his wife and daughter were innocent of crimes involving the dark arts. He, however, was very well versed in their practice. So, yeah, the Fier brothers were misogynists who couldn't tell a real practitioner. Matthew talked with William to screw him over and couldn't even tell the danger he was putting his entire bloodline in.

William calls forth evil spirits he had summoned so many times before. He wants his hatred to live for generations hence. He wants his family's dying screams to be echoed by the entire Fier family. He doesn't want the Fier family to experience peace and wants them to burn for all eternity.

So...the Fier brothers messed with the wrong man.

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