Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Exploring The Betrayal (Part 11)

It's been awhile since I got to read this book. And the last chapter ended on a big cliffhanger...

Now let's get back to The Betrayal by R.L.Stine!

Chapter 10

William Goode is shocked that the Fier brothers fled the village. I mean...it isn't like Benjamin and Matthew were shown to be good people. So it stands to reason that they would leave for one reason or another.

Ah...so the Fier brothers were after money. And they didn't just go after William's money: they took everything from the village to the point there was nothing to survive on during the winter.

That is actually surprising and obvious at the same time. I didn't expect them to do that but the Fier brothers weren't exactly saints. Of course people of their ilk would take things with no care about how others would fare.

Um...since the Fier brothers stole everything and proved themselves to be bad people why is the witch burning still going on? Doesn't Giles and everyone else realize that it is entirely possible that the Fier brothers lied about the Goode women being witches? Is it only because it'd be more dramatic that the women burn? Like...this is the perfect time for the burnings not to happen. Okay, this burning has stopped being heartbreaking and my head hurts from the stupid.

Since neither of the Fier brothers told Giles Robert that the Goode women's sentence was to be reversed, they still have to burn. Because that makes so much sense! Excuse me as I hit my head against the wall.

The book switches to the point of view of Susannah. She has decided not to struggle as she finds the endeavor useless. She looks at the sky and thinks about the forest she used to like to walk in. Her thoughts quickly find their way to the good times with Edward Fier that have now become painful to think about.

She sees Edward standing at the edge of the crowd looking at her in pain. Nope, not pain, utter hatred.

Plot twist: it wasn't really Edward and Susannah cries out at the revelation!

While there is a boy, he doesn't actually look like the traitorous Fier.

People with torches arrive although there is nothing forcing them to burn two women alive. They could just decide not to purely out of spite of what the Fier brothers have done to Wickham. Or maybe they're burning the women because it's a way to take out their rage.

While Susannah cries, she asks her mother if burning alive will hurt. Um...yeah...a lot. If there's one way not to die it's by being burned alive. Martha must know this as she is crying. She must know the future for both her and her daughter. But she only turns away from Susannah even as her daughter continues to ask.

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