Sunday, February 3, 2019

She Had Never Loved Him So Much as She Did in That Instant Giveaway (Dragon Cave)

Update: This giveaway is over. I want to thank everyone who participated. If you can't wait until next giveaway you can go to the Dragon Cave Forums where people will trade and give away eggs. I am also more than willing to breed upon request.

While the giveaway is over, feel free to discuss your favorite rarepairs. I would love to hear any theories and headcanons you have about them. If you blog about Game of Thrones go HERE to find out how to advertise on my blog.

For the giveaways this month, I'm celebrating rarepairs. These are pairings that have ten fanfics featuring them and probably less than that. Heck, some have zero fanfics as of the writing of this post. I am interested in what rarepairs you ship, whether they are the same as those showcased or not.

I am focusing on those rarepairs I ship. Whether or not anyone else ships them. So no pairings like Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones or Rachel/Tobias from Animorphs.

Jorah Mormont/Arya Stark is a pairing that started as a joke. It was a good crack!ship that wasn't supposed to be anything other than that. I saw Maisie Williams in a green dress. Green is one of the colors of House Mormont so I started to joke around. Then I listened to one song and another of my rarepairs was born.

I will have a slowburn fanfic featuring them in the future.

Figuring my blog readers should get something that I can actually give away.

If you don't already have a Dragon Cave account, you can sign up for one if raising dragons interests you. If you already have an account, pick an egg at will. If you don't have an account and don't want one, please share this with a friend who would be interested in this giveaway.

Here are the eggs this time around:
Ice Dragon (Info and Lineage)

Seasonal Dragon (Winter) (Info and Lineage)

Thunder Dragon (Info and Lineage)

Red Dragon (Info and Lineage)

Xenowyrm (Astrapi) (Info and Lineage)

Black Dragon (Info and Lineage)

Celestial Dragon (Info and Lineage)

Prize Dragon (Eastern) (Info and Lineage)

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