Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (Cato Neimoidia Part 2)

I'm just sitting down after finish the Cato Neimoidia part. I feel good. A much different feeling than last night when I got lost for all eternity.

So here is what I thought of the last part of Cato Neimoidia...

I started off where I left off: at the jumping into madness part. The video I watched last night showed to jump to one place and then jump then dash to the ledge/entrance. I decided to not do that exactly, but I did jump and then dash. It took me two tries and I made it!

Oh, yeah!

The next few sections involved just the normal fighting. I don't know what one enemy is called but they are awesome and I'm glad I get to fight them without quick time events (except one that I can't figure out what the hell it's supposed to be doing). They're large and have a shield and then they explode when they die. Yeah, they're robots.

At the end of the level you get a look at the new enemies and...they're going to be both a pain in the ass and awesome to fight. At least that's what it looks like.

Back to the level itself: the big bad of the level is a Gorog. The entrance of the creature is just plain awesome. You're in the arena and Baron Sexyvoice says to release the Gorog. Then, in the arena, a rancor is released.

Now rancors are fearsome, but I know that they aren't Gorogs. Then a huge hand reaches at the rancor and the Gorog reveals itself. And holy shit is it big!

You have to harm each hand enough so that you can put a chain on each wrist. However, the wrists will heal and then you'll have to cause enough damage to try to put the chain on it again.

This would be very simple if not for the fact that the Gorog will attack you with its arms and, after the first wrist is restrained, other enemies will appear to attack you while you're trying to focus just on the Gorog.

After that is done you're not done with the Gorog as you  have to rush through hallways full of Stormtroopers while the Gorog will attack you if you linger too long. You also seem to have to defeat each wave of troopers before you are allowed to continue down the hallway.

The final bit of the level has you throw your lightsabers to bring down some supports. I admit I don't use this ability that often (if at all) and so I had to look up how to do the move. Luckily the game will allow you to pause and see how to do certain moves.

You do get to use the Force Sight ability again to solve a puzzle. You have to defeat the enemies before you do since getting shot instantly turns off Force Sight.

There is a yellow crystal in the fire place and I would've missed it if I didn't love fire.

So what happens in the plot?

Starkiller finally gets to Kota and works to escape with him. The wisecracks between these two is just awesome.

During their escape the Baron gets eaten by the Gorog. Aw!

When Starkiller and Kota get back to the ship it's revealed that Juno's fate is unknown.

Kota wants Starkiller and himself to help the Rebellion. Starkiller, on the other hand, wants to go somewhere to find himself and search for Juno. Starkiller tells Kota that he's a clone and needs to figure things out while Kota is convinced Starkiller is the original and not a clone.

Kota's reaction to Starkiller's wants is strange as I'd think a Jedi would want a calm mind. Since having an unstable mind would mean you'd be closer to the Dark Side.

Starkiller drops Kota off on a space station (per the Jedi's request) and goes to Dagobah.
All of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

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