Sunday, July 25, 2021

Exploring The Betrayal (Part 3)

I meant to get started on this part much sooner. But life has been pretty busy as revrezner is still recovering from his back surgery. He's doing better but he still needs my help. I'm also dealing with the fact that something is putting pressure on my brain and causing the effects of vertigo. So, all in all, this year has been a lot more stressful than I thought it would be.

I hope that everyone reading this is doing much better than I'm feeling.

Now let us get back to reading The Betrayal by R.L.Stine!

Chapter 2

So who grabbed Susannah Goode? Was it really the Evil One or was it something else? Something worse?

Susannah screams for whatever is holding her to let go. Either it's not the Evil One or the Evil One respects women, as whatever grabbed the Goode girl lets go. This scares her and she turns around to see Edward Fier! Oh the horror!

He mocks Susannah for confusing him with a creature of evil. She is embarrassed but manages to fire a retort back to him. She points out that it is sort of odd that he is in the woods. Edward explains that he was just following her as if that isn't really creepy. Maybe he really is Edward from Twilight! Quick, ask him if he watches you sleep!

This Edward is actually described as being pretty attractive. No wonder Susannah wants to bear him many children. Who could ever resist the best dressed man of the village! turns out a lot of people. These people are Puritans so if someone cares too much about their appearance they're blamed of being prideful. Not that people are going to say such things to Edward's face as he's Benjamin's son. You know, the guy that gets to choose which woman gets burned at the stake each weekend.

When a wind blows through the trees Edward says both of them shouldn't joke about the Evil One. It turns out that Benjamin has polluted his son's mind with his own fears. Edward actually believes that an evil force has taken over Wickham. I can't believe I'm excited for the Fiers to get cursed. I'm a really horrible person.

Susannah agrees as she's extremely fearful due to recent events. She says that she keeps dreaming about her friend Faith Warburton who recently was burned as a witch. After she breaks out crying about the horrible event, Edward says Benjamin was in the right. Girlfriend, I know you have hormones coursing through your body but you shouldn't pursue him. If he's not even questioning about all the women being burned, leave his sorry butt.

After coming part way to her senses, Susannah says that they need to stop meeting each other as she could be burned because of it. Edward reassures her that she has nothing to be afraid of. But as he's already mentioned how much he trusts his father, I'm sure once Benjamin says something Edward will change his tune in less than a heartbeat.

The fact he implies he risked the meeting with her since Little Edward is at attention makes me feel he only has a crush. And once something ruins the illusion for him, he'll willingly light the fire so Susannah will burn.

After the kiss Susannah makes a joke about the Evil One and Edward shows his darker side. He reprimands her more harshly than before. Run, girl, run! The sex won't be worth it once you're becoming a crispy critter!

Oh, god, it gets worse! It turns out Edward has exhibited such behavior in the past and they've only been 'dating' for a few weeks. Dating meaning making out every chance they can find. Susannah wonders why she cares so much for him when they don't even share the same sense of humor. It's the hormones, Susie, and not that he needs you! He's the son of a powerful man, why would he need you?

Susannah risks another joke by saying that being here in the woods is a crime. Edward says that being with her is no crime as he loves her. I don't trust him, but he has moves since they start making out yet again.

She thinks of being with him in the woods and never going back to the village ever again. As she's getting lost in her daydream, she pulls away from him because there are voices and she thinks they've been caught.

Have they been caught? Find out next time on Teenagers Making Poor Decisions and Cursing an Entire Bloodline!

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