Monday, July 16, 2018

Questions that Still Bug Me About PT

Back in 2014 a game called P.T. was released. It appeared to be nothing more than an obscure game by an unknown studio. Nothing to keep you up at night. By the end it was revealed to be the Teaser Trailer for an upcoming game called Silent Hills. Silent Hill and Konami aren't exactly small names.

Alas, the latest entry in the Silent Hill franchise never happened. Due to behind the scenes bs, it was cancelled. Years later and I find that the pain of losing Silent Hills keeps returning.
How Close is PT to Silent Hills?

Teasers aren't fully like the game they are advertising. The point of them is to intrigue potential buyers into getting the actual game. Look at the teaser trailer for Soma (found HERE) for what I'm getting at.

The mysteries presented in PT don't have to be answered in Silent Hills. Instead they could be hints at what will actually happen in the game. For example, in the Soma teaser trailer there is a focus on brains not being in their original bodies. In other words: Soma explores when you aren't you. While that plot isn't followed exactly like it is in the teaser, it does happen in the game.

Project MKUltra could be connected to Silent Hills. In PT there are things like a radio broadcast talking about a man killing his family. The strangest thing about this was that the man had been just an average guy in the past. Heck, some people think that the protagonist of PT (aka you) murdered his family.

Even though this is a teaser, it could well hint at that type of manipulation in Silent Hills.
The Fetus, or whatever the voice was, appeared to be a very menacing creature. It would be a neat and disturbing enemy. It would be a person consumed with hate before they were born. They've wanted vengeance all this time and they will finally get it.

Silent Hill 2's villain was the town itself as it punished James Sunderland for a past crime. Silent Hill 4 saw Walter Sullivan murder people from beyond the grave in an attempt to be with his mother. His mother was an apartment room.

So something as odd as a fetus being a villain wouldn't be out of the realm of strangeness for the Silent Hill series.
Who Was Norman Reedus' Character?

PT never answered how Norman Reedus' character connected to the rest of the game. I'm not mad about this as it was a teaser trailer meant to get people interested in the now cancelled Silent Hills. It's not good to spoil critical plot moments in trailers. Which I wish more trailers understood.

But anyways...there are a few possibilities of who Reedus' character is. Sadly all these theories can only be based on the trailer as the game was never released.

Reedus' character could be the father of the fetus. The bag/fetus/voice/I need to stop taking drugs seemed to take perverse pleasuring in harassing the protagonist. It seemed to know a lot about him/her. Now something supernatural could've happened so that the fetus is able to talk and take its vengeance on the man that killed it.

Of course the main target of the fetus would be the father. The fetus doesn't spend too much time talking about the mother or anyone else in the family.

Could Reedus' character be the fetus?
The fetus, through some magic, could take on another form. Being menacing as a fetus would mean it would need to do things in the background. It couldn't be as hands on as...well...I think we've all seen pictures of a fetus.

So, to be more hands on, it would assume a form that would allow it to cause chaos personally. To look into its father's eyes as it kills him. That is, of course, if the fetus would've actually been an antagonist in Silent Hills.

If Reedus' character isn't the father or the fetus, could he be related to the fetus in some way? Maybe a family friend who the fetus blames for not stopping the father. Maybe another man tormented by Project MKUltra that the father knew.

The final possibility, at least that I can see, is that Reedus' character is fully unrelated to the fetus. It could be that the monstrosity was only there for the trailer. Something to draw players in. It could have happened that way.

Or Reedus' character is just thrown into the fetus' revenge plans. Harry Masson in Silent Hill and Heather Mason in Silent Hill 3 were both people trying to live their lives before things happened. Terrible things that must have left them scarred for life. Though not so innocent people, a la James Sunderland, have faced judgement in the past.
Would There Be a Focus on Multiple Realities?

Ah the joys of multiple realities. The concept provides many options to play around with. The title Silent Hills seems to imply more than one Silent Hill. To go off on a tangent, everyone experiences their own Silent Hill.

In Silent Hill 2 the main and side characters experience the town differently. Their individual experiences are determined by the wrongs they have done. This is why the little girl, Laura, doesn't see any monsters.

In Silent Hill 3 Vincent Smith implies to Heather Mason that she hasn't been killing monsters. She has been seeing people as monsters.
So multiple realities isn't a new idea for the Silent Hill series.

Could Silent Hills just feature different variations of Silent Hill like in Silent Hill 2 and 3? Or could there be different realities? Not just people perceiving the town different ways but multiple versions of the same place.
Why Can't I Just Let Silent Hills' Cancellation Go?

The feelings I have for the cancellation of Silent Hills are like those of a bad breakup. A really bad breakup. The kind where you are left crying and eating tubs of ice cream every night. The kind where you are calling your ex begging them to take you back.

You make up scenarios in your head where your ex returns to you. That everything will be like it used to be. The universe will find its center and you can finally be at peace. But you know that will never happen so you continue on. You think of other things and yet your ex still wanders into your mind for years. It takes you around five years to feel comfortable saying their name.

That's sort of how I feel about the cancellation of Silent Hills.
Sometimes I imagine that the impossible will happen. Konami will stop being bad people and will make up with Hideo Kojima. Guillermo del Toro and Norman Reedus will hop right up to return to the game.

Ah, the lovely dreams I have right before I wake up. The moments where I grow excited about the game and then I realize it will never happen.

Hopefully one day soon I will be able to accept that Silent Hills will never happen. Hopefully one day soon the thought of what this game could've been won't come to me randomly. I'll be able to fall asleep without thinking 'what if'. And won't be in danger of making a melodramatic post like this ever again.

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