Friday, January 17, 2014

Revolution "Mis Dos Padres" Review

Chewie (aka Aaron Pittman) learns a little more of why the nanites contacted both him and his wife, Priscilla. It turns out the nanites just want to learn about their 'parents'. They want to learn about where they came from. That's a very human thing to want and shows that the AI is highly advanced.

Grace reveals that the code Chewie wrote basically helped the nanites form their consciousness. So that's why they considered the duo their mother and father. Grace also talked about how many nanites are out in the world now. Sort of creepy once you really think about it.

Monroe and his son Connor bond. Of course there's a question as to why Monroe cares so much about him. That could be because Monroe plans to use Connor to bring back the Republic or that he does really care for his son. A third option is a combination of the first two.

Charlie and Gene have some bonding time as, by the end of the episode, the latter is made to try and find a cure to a sudden outbreak of typhus. Not sudden to the Patriots as it seems they injected the oranges with it.

The Patriot's plan is a cold but logical one. They'll be the heroes for stopping an outbreak and people will bend to what they say.

Jason finds out that the rehabilitation program (like the one he was sent to) was just the first part and that things were going to get worse. Of course Tom and Julia weren't in the mood to listen, so that mystery will be dragged out some more.

I don't have high hopes that Julia meant to do good all along. She just seems very manipulative.

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