Monday, December 28, 2020

Lonely Country (Mini-Review)

Lonely Country by Alyson Belle is about Tommy, Allen, and Jim who live in the middle of nowhere and take care of the farm Tommy recently inherited. When a meteor shower happens the three wish that there was an eligible girl for them to date. Wishing on falling stars is stupid? Right? Nope, because they got their wish in a way none of them expected: Tommy changed into the eligible girl that they all wanted.

My major problem with the book is that the ending felt really abrupt. While the plot was resolved I was really expecting a certain scene that never occurred. I can't talk about what I wanted to happen because this mini-review is spoiler free.

I have read two other of Alyson Belle's books and they tend to all revolve around men being changed into women. I don't know why but this basic premise is extremely interesting and erotic for me. One of the best parts of these kinds of books is when the man is initially turned into a woman. Maybe it's because it feels like I'm seeing my body in a new and beautiful light.

Claire, the name Tommy takes when he is changed into a woman, finds that being a woman is awesome. She likes all of the outfits she can wear. It's extremely funny when Jim complains, when he takes her out to shop, that she only bought one outfit since 'girls love shopping'. While, yes, shopping is fun it's not like everyone is going to buy as many outfits as possible. Such as when I shop for jeans...if all women's clothing had a standard size things would be so much easier.

There is an explanation in the book about why the meteor shower had the power to grant wishes. It was a meteor shower that only occurs every three hundred years. The meteor shower also gives Claire a small window about deciding if she actually wants to stay a woman.

Tommy seemed girly even before his transformation into Claire. He was extremely hard working which made me like him. Jim was the one with the large manhood and kinder nature. Because every book with multiple partners needs one who has a large manhood. I like him the most because of his kind nature. Allen has a harsher personality and his sex scene with Claire is very animalistic.

Besides Claire having to decide quickly if she really wants to stay a woman, she also has to choose between Jim and Allen. The men are her best friends and so it isn't like she can easily decide. Her choosing is made a little harder by the fact her libido is through the roof. Ever since she first found herself in a woman's body she's felt like 'something' was missing.

I would recommend Lonely Country by Alyson Belle to those who like stories where men turn into women and you are over the age of eighteen. Because boy is this book graphic at times.

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