Friday, December 11, 2020

I Completed The Secrets of Ashes Book I Chapter 3

Though I tried to focus on my cup of coffee, my eyes kept turning to a pair of twins on the opposite side of the small restaurant. Something about them, Tobias would say their auras, asked to be observed. It told every onlooker that the twins were dangerous to any evil forces that dared prey on the innocent.

Both twins had dark black hair. Though one had dyed his hair white, a few black hairs stuck out. My eyes kept going further down their faces. It felt rude to do so but I couldn't restrain myself. The one without hair dye had a large scar that went all the way from his right ear to just below his right eye. The other twin had a fainter scar but on the left side. What had happened to them?

If not for their auras, it would be hard to imagine them being part of some great conflict. The one with dyed hair looked like a surfer though it was a few hours to any beach. The other twin looked like a lawyer or possibly a private investigator. Both had an intense look to their eyes that told me whatever they wanted in life they would achieve.

Their intense gazes never turned my way as they were too focused on their coffee. This was odd as they weren't lazily observing their cups, but looking intently at the coffee itself. Before sitting down one of the twins had mentioned coming here so often because of how great the coffee was. To me the Banana Bread's coffee was just like any other place's coffee. I took another sip of my coffee to see why the twins loved it so much. Nope. Still couldn't taste what they were talking about.

Finally my eyes looked only at my cup of coffee. My very average cup of coffee.

If you know where I got the designs of the two unnamed characters from, you get a cookie. Because, yeah, it's sort of an obscure reference. 

If you don't mind spoilers GO HERE for a more in depth update.

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