Monday, March 12, 2018

Against a God

The topic of this post was voted on by the members of my Facebook group HERE WE STAND. If you would like to vote on future posts, feel free to join.

This is an Animorphs fanfic. The copyright for that series belongs to the copyright holders and not me.

It took all my strength to look at the Council of Thirteen. Unlike my previous Hork-Bajir host and temporary human host, I had four eyes. In my fear I could've found out how to avoid looking at anyone. But I didn't as that wouldn't be proper for a Yeerk of my Rank.

"Esplin 9466," One of the Council members began. "You were caught trying to flee the galaxy. You abandoned your duty. Can you give an explanation to the Council why you did so?"

This would be more than difficult to do. To explain the fear I felt and how it was justified would be beyond their comprehension. I had attained the rank of Visser Three and they would assume I would be more loyal to the Yeerk Empire. They would assume I would push aside any fear I felt merely to continue with the Invasion of Earth.

But sometimes there are foes that can't be fought. There are foes out there more powerful than any Yeerk. Why should I fight a battle I am doomed to lose?

[I had found good evidence of Elangor having a son.] The Council looked at me with extreme interest. [A human son. I was able to track down Elfangor's son. I was able to talk with him.]

"I assume you infested him." One of the Taxxon controllers replied. "I also assume you managed to mess the infestation up."

[I found it much too dangerous to infest him.]

I had spent so long creating the persona of Aria to lure Tobias into a false sense of security. I had decided on that method as I thought Elfangor's son deserved special treatment. While I was going to infest him, he still was deserving of respect for who he father was.

"Why?" Another Council member asked. "What would make infesting a human host hard? I assume you thought he was involved with the Andalite bandits."

[He is not just involved with them, he is one of them.] I replied. [He has the ability to morph. He stayed over the two hour limit and the Ellimist gave him his powers back. To prove this he demorphed to a bird and stayed over two hours before returning to human morph. He also said that the Ellimist is on the side of humans.]

The Council spent a few minutes chuckling before they got their demeanor back. I knew what they would say and I knew how to reply to them.

"Why would you be afraid of a myth?" One of Council members asked me. "Are we to assume that your host has more power over you than is acceptable for a Visser?"

[The Ellimist is not just a myth.] I reminded them. [Elfangor, myself, and a human woman all used the Time Matrix. My memory of that is fuzzy but it is there. Someone must have created the Time Matrix which means the Ellimist exists. That being also allowed me to retain memories I shouldn't have as the timeline was changed.]

"Don't you trust in Crayak?" Garoff asked. "If there is one deity protecting us, it is him. But it is understandable that finding yourself fighting a deity's will can be terrifying for any Yeerk. It is this reason the Council will decide to forgive you."

Garoff had a scarred Hork-Bajir body. He gave me a look and I could tell he wanted to punish me but something was holding him back. Maybe he did pity me or maybe he thought I was doing a good job on Earth.

"The Council will forgive you but you will be taken down a few ranks." Garoff continued. "I think being Visser Ten will be sufficient."

Visser Ten? At least I would not be fully demoted and would remain alive. Of course I still couldn't draw conclusions as I didn't know what I would have to do. It was more than unlikely the Council would give me this insignificant of a punishment.

[And what is the condition?] I asked.

"The condition is that you go back to Earth." Garoff replied. "You need to finish what you started there."

They wanted me to go back to Earth? They wanted me to attack humans directly so that the Ellimist would kill me? They were mad to think I'd have any part to play on that planet! I thought I had been mad to think of staying in the fight!

[I will not go back to Earth.] I retorted. [I will help on other planets but not that one.]

"Then you would want to have the pain of Kandrona ray starvation?" Garoff asked. "You would like another Yeerk to have your host?"

[Good.] Alloran said and laughed.

[Why are you happy?] I asked. [You want me to die? The next Yeerk to infest you might not treat you as I did.]

[As long as you die I'll be happy.]

"Esplin 9466?" Garoff asked. "Have you made your decision?"

[Death is preferable to what the Ellimist would do to me.] I said and steeled myself for what would come next.

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