Thursday, December 12, 2013

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (Kamino)

I'm going to try and make up for the fact that I am having video problems. I have recorded the latest parts of the Let's Plays and the final parts of the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 1 Review Series and have had them recorded for a while now. The reason you haven't seen them all done is because my hard drive crashed and I haven't found a video editing software that I can use (if you have a suggestion feel free to contact me via Twitter or tumblr, links are on the side).

Now I am going to try and replace an actual Let's Play with me recounting how I experienced a game. This may or may not become a thing. If it does become a thing I will never do one of these 'recaps' of a game I am currently doing a Let's Play of.

Now let's get to the meat of the post...

I played the first Star Wars: The Force Unleashed game a few years back and only recently completed it thanks to cheat codes. When I had originally tried to complete it I played for a little over an hour and when I decided to stop before completing it I found my hard work undone. The saving feature was crap in that game and you had to complete a level for your progress to be saved.

Earlier this year I bought the second game in the series and put it away to play another day. I finally got to starting the game today. Now whenever I play a game on the Wii I have to time things correctly so Dad doesn't suddenly pop in and give unwanted commentary or start getting annoyed that I'm taking away from his tv time (plus, as those who've watched my previous Let's Plays know I like to use 'colorful' language).

Before I continue I will admit I am playing the game on Easy. I'm far from the best gamer and the easiest setting usually provides me with enough difficulty (and I play to enjoy myself anyways). If I replay this game I might use a tougher setting.

The main menu screen just looks awesome to me. The background of it is a city on Kamino. Kamino is the planet in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones where the Clone Troopers were created. So this immediately brings to the player's mind that the plot of this game involves a clone (or clones).

Having a clone plot in the sequel makes sense as the first game ended with Starkiller sort of dead. I'll state now that a few years back I read the novel version of this game. However, I don't clearly remember the events of the book and the game version could be different.

The actual game starts off with Darth Vader coming to visit Kamino. I don't admire Vader like the majority of the fandom, but he does look cool in this game.

It turns out he's visiting who you think is Starkiller and is quickly revealed to be a clone.

A training level is quickly set up for you to grasp the basic controls. In the original game there was a way for you to, no matter your progress in the game, go to a training section.

Now one reason I bought the first game was that I got to swing my Wii Controller around so I was sad to see that the sequel has you just press the A button to swing your lightsabers. This takes away from the fun of the game for me.

Of course there is still Force Lightning which I am extremely happy about. If there is once Force power I'd want to have it'd be Force Lightning. I know it's highly connected to the Dark Side but it is fucking awesome.

After the game figures you've figured the basic stuff out it goes to the next part of the plot. It turns out the Starkiller Clone (SC) has some of the original's memory. It remembers Juno (aka the love interest from the first game) and refuses to kill her. Darth Vader remarks that the weakness the original Starkiller had was emotions.

Shortly after Vader kills Juno it is revealed that it was just a robot with a hologram pretending to be her. SC decides that he doesn't want to be controlled/killed by Vader and so attempts to escape. With the character development from last game I am glad to not see the redemption plotline done the same way as before (even if SC is a clone).

I admit the waves of Stormtroopers were fun to kill. There were even special enemies that are pretty easy to take down if you use Force Lightning.

The hardest part of this level, at least for me, was the goddamn jumping shit. I was the most intense part of the level for me. If you fall during one part you have to restart the whole jumping process. I may have said harsh words to SC once or twice while completing this part. I'm not the most well co-ordinated person and so this part might have been difficult because of that.

There are also little puzzles such as pulling a switch while people try and kill you. My favorite one involves the use of Force Lightning. It's not difficult or challenging, but it's fun!

Throughout the level Darth Vader appears. He is there as a slight challenge and isn't part of a big boss battle. Vader is really there just to add a little tension since the short skirmishes with him don't last long.

One of the problems with the first game were the quick time events. Now I don't hate them as much as some, but a lot of cool battles weren't as exciting because of them in the first game.

In this game the same basic problem remains.

The skirmishes with Vader don't amount to much because of quick time events. And at the very end of the level there are two AT-STs which could've been an exciting battle but there were quick time events to fight them.

Now the scenes looked awesome, but if there's some action to be done in a game I want to be doing it. Not watching the scene onscreen.

So that's the first level of the game. It is a nice start and a good level to make sure you have the controls figured out.

All of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

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