Monday, March 3, 2025

That Part Chapter 22: More Than Human

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.


As I began to drink my fifth cup of coffee, the side effects were in danger of making my hands shake. It wouldn't do for me to get out of control in this little town. Whenever I got wasted and high in Skyrim it was always a good day's ride to the nearest town, city, or village. Maybe it was a matter of pride or memories of Scouts which still prodded me to stay on the right path.

The door to the Oh Deer Diner opened and Saga Anderson stepped through. She had a serious expression on her face and her kindness was hidden beneath a thin veneer of purpose. I had made a promise to my egg-friends to stay away from the investigation. If I stayed in the diner wouldn't I be tempting fate to make me a part of their quest?

I took out the coins Saga had given me and counted out how much this meal would cost me. Despite my need to leave the investigation alone, I couldn't help but overhear Saga's interrogation. Apparently the couple had been witnesses to the murder of Agent Nightingale.

Something stood out to me as I found the correct amount to pay Rose. By the couple's reaction I could tell that Saga knew things that she shouldn't be able to. Or maybe I was seeing things that weren't there. I didn't know everything about her did she manage to ask just the right questions?

I could torture someone for years and not get as much information as Saga just knew. One part of the problem of knowing the right questions to ask was not having the knowledge beforehand. Was everything she casually knew part of the debrief? How much of her knowledge could have been gained at the crime scene?

As I walked up to pay for my meal, I thought about telling my suspicions to Saga later. If she knew her abilities then she could finish the investigation sooner and be better prepared for the future. Sissel of Rorikstead had visions and was being trained to increase her power. One day she would go to the College of Winterhold so she could finally understand what she was truly capable of.

For better or worse.

But as I gave the coin to Rose I decided not to. While there was a chance Saga understanding her powers would make the investigation go quicker, there was also the chance of the complete opposite happening. She would have to believe that magic was a thing in this world and then have her whole belief in reality shattered. Not an easy thing for everyone to accomplish. That would take a lot of time.

When I opened the door I was assaulted by the unclean air of this world. I had to resist gagging as that would be rude. Then there was the fact that if I grew up on this Earth the air wouldn't bother me. Bright Falls was a small place and so other parts were more infected with the horrific scents.

My eyes looked over the area and I saw Alex standing next to another man. He must be one of high standing as I doubted my love would talk to another while on a quest. Both were drinking cups that smelled of coffee.

"Tim Breaker." Alex said to me and then turned to Tim. "Jash Telvanni."

"I didn't know you had a consultant." Tim said and shook my hand.

"A friend I didn't know would be showing up so soon."

There was just the briefest hint of sarcasm in his voice when he said 'soon'. Tim must have noticed as he smiled more readily than Alex had.

"Breaker is the sheriff of Bright Falls." Alex explained and I assumed that sheriff was an important office on Earth.

"I thought my badge would have been a dead giveaway." Tim teased and my love started to roll his eyes before managing to stop himself.

For a moment we all stood together and then Tim grew somewhat nervous. It was as if he could tell that I was much more than Alex's friend and he wanted to give us time to ourselves.

"I'll be at the station." Tim said. "Just come in when you're done."

"Anderson will be out shortly." Alex replied.

"I'm not talking about your partner."

"We'll be over soon."

"Take your time." Tim said with a wave as he walked away.

The farther the sheriff walked, the more Alex relaxed enough to smile. That rare bit of happiness that lasted but a minute at most was enough to cause me to smile. I touched my cheek as it became warmer. I was blushing!

Alex's face was slightly less stoic when he turned to look at me and noticed my cheeks. I guess there was no way to hide these emotions like when I was a Saxhleel.

This time between us could be less than fleeting if I was unable to avoid the fate past versions of myself had fallen to. There was no way to get rid of the endless cave or corpses from my mind. I wanted to tell my love about how important our time together was.

But I remained silent.

For cowardice?


It would be no use worrying Alex for a mere possibility. I didn't want him to lose his focus on the investigation as that had a high likelihood of being the cause of my death. Maybe it had been the cause of his own.

Or had he survived what I had not? Were other versions of him torn as I was gone?

"What do you think?" Alex asked.

"About what?" I replied.

"Here. Earth."

Did he want me to respond as if I loved this place? Did he really want my opinions or was he not ready for that kind of honesty? How long had he actually traveled beside me when I was but a mortal?

"I'm not used to this level of technology." I said and grimaced. "This air would smell so much better if not polluted with machines that would make the Dwemer proud. If that ancient race still lived on Nirn or Mundus. But that could all be because this world is not my home."

"You could just be homesick." Alex replied.

"That could be true. At least I won't be here long enough to become accustomed to your world."

"And you want me to give all this up for you?"

I realized how rude I had been. Here was a man that was ready and willing to trade all he knew for me. He was willing to get rid of what he saw as comforts for me. And how had I responded? To criticize this world beyond mere politeness.

"I'm sorry." Alex said. "I was out of line."

"Out of line?" I asked. "You're going to make one of the biggest sacrifices anyone could make. I've shown that I'm not so willing to make the same sacrifice."

"That doesn't mean I have to forget what you're feeling."

Alex had been insulted but that didn't matter to him. He loved me and would do his part to keep my spirits up. Or at least attempt to do so.

"If I wanted to seek a spouse that had such a precious quality as tack I wouldn't have spent nine long years seeking out a stranger." I said with a smirk.

"Why did you come here?" Alex asked, his voice tinged with the slightest hint of nervousness.

"I loved you the moment I saw you. When we get to the Elderwood Palace Lodge, I'll show you that love and devotion with a proper Saxhleel ****."

Alex had been about to take another sip from his coffee when I spoke. But a simple sip quickly turned into a deep gulp as he blushed deeply.

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