Tuesday, January 23, 2024

New Moon, New Me

This is a The Quarry fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This is a drabble. Feel free to make a request or two.

I sipped my coffee as I waited for Dylan to appear. We were the only two to come out unscathed from the incident at Hackett's Quarry a few months ago. Nick had also survived but he was now cursed to be a werewolf. Whatever we would have had was gone now. I didn't know if he understood my trauma but I didn't care.

What continued to hurt was how neither myself nor Dylan were believed. Which meant that stopping the curse was something that fell upon our shoulders. Something that was hard to focus on with school still being in my present.

"Hey, Abigail." Dylan said as he sat down with his usual swagger. "Didn't expect this little cafe to be so...out of the way."

"It's the full moon tonight." I replied shyly. "I thought that if Nick followed us...well...not many people would die."

Dylan nodded. I had learned through our time together that his swagger was just a disguise. He was just as scared as me and somehow that was reassuring. It made it so that even if I felt like backing out, I knew I wasn't the only one feeling this way.

Dylan and I took a sip off our coffee at the same time. Some people had started to think of us as a couple but that would never happen. We were two people stuck in a bad situation. It made us get closer than most. But I didn't know if our friendship would extend past our trauma. And that was okay.

"I know we've been stalling because we don't want to kill Chris." Dylan said softly. "But next month we're going to have to kill him. We can't keep putting people in danger because we're afraid."

"We don't have to kill Chris." I replied with a nervous smile. "From what I found out there is a Silver Wolf. I think he, or she, might predate Chris. If we kill them then...we don't have to kill Chris and can save Nick."

Dylan let out a loud sigh and leaned back in his chair. I could understand his anger as this was a new target. Someone who could be anywhere around Hackett's Quarry. Someone that was mere myth at this point in time. But at least we wouldn't have to kill anyone we knew.

"Fine, let's find this Silver Wolf." Dylan sighed again. "See you next month?"

"Yeah." I replied with a nervous smile.

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