Monday, March 8, 2021

White Night (Mini-Review)

White Night is the ninth book in Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files series. In this entry Karrin Murphy calls Harry Dresden in to look at a murder that looks suspiciously like something Thomas Raith, Harry's half-brother and White Court vampire, would do. But Harry is insistent that Thomas isn't the killer and seeks to prove his half-brother's innocence.

I have had vertigo for eight weeks at the time of writing this review. Hence it took so long for me to get the book read as reading irritates my vertigo. Which meant that this book confused me more than it should due to having to spend days unable to read. Heck, it might take a few days to get this extremely short review out. So if you're wondering why this blog hasn't updated in awhile...that's why.

Back to the review...Elaine Mallory, Harry's first love, returns in this book and it turns out she took a page out of his book. Like him she has become a private investigator and found a cause to fight for. Though, unlike him, she has lied to the White Council about her powers so she doesn't have to deal with them. I can understand that as...not the easiest of childhoods.

For the past book or so Thomas Raith has been hiding how he's been feeding. In this book the truth finally gets out. Without spoiling anything, it is hilarious and is not something you would expect. You would expect something dark and depraved, hence Thomas didn't tell Harry the truth. Instead the truth is hilarious and brought a smile to my face.

Lash, the copy of Lasciel that lives in Harry's head, gets some character development during this book. It is oddly touching given that the character is the copy of a fallen angel that seeks to enslave Harry. By the book's end she feels like something more than a being that seeks to turn our favorite wizard into her puppet.

While in the last book I liked how Harry's thoughts about Molly Carpenter were dealt with, this book made me roll my eyes hard. Now if it was just him that had to control himself that would be one thing. Even if at the end of the last book he made it very clear to the girl that he didn't think of her that way. But in this book more than one male character mentions how hot Molly is. Harry does mark her as off limits to them, but it's still annoying that he has to do so. We get it, Butcher, Molly is smoking hot.

The main mystery of the book has a good number of twists and turns. Plus the main mystery is a great jumping off point to expand on the lore of the series. Such as there is something special about Harry Dresden and that's the reason his mother made sure to get him away from Lord Raith.

I would recommend White Night by Jim Butcher to fans of The Dresden Files series. I would also recommend the book to those that like their urban fantasy books with a lot of mystery.

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