Sunday, September 8, 2019

At First Love Chapter 16: A Change

This is a Real Person Fanfiction. In this fanfiction Iain Glen has never been married.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

I groaned as I blindly reached for my cellphone on the nightstand. It had been the first day in awhile that I had been able to sleep in until ten in the morning. Even without any new Game of Thrones episodes to film, there had been other roles for me to act. Now my bed sheets provided a comforting warmth that I never wanted to leave. Not until I heard the voice on the other side of the phone. As always Emilia's voice was sweet, comforting, and arousing.

"I'm awake." I said as I sat up. "I'm awake."

"Are you sure?" Emilia teased. "Normally people who are awake don't have to say so twice."

"You'll understand once you're my age, my love."

"I'm sure I will. You know what we discussed before?"

"About you moving in for a short time. I'm sorry, my schedule has been so hectic lately. I haven't had a chance to have you move."

"But you're back home today, right?"
Emilia's voice had quickly become a mixture of nervous and excited. The tone you have when things seem too good to be true. The tone you have when you're desperately trying to keep your hopes down so you don't burst into tears at a moment's notice. She was all set to move in today and I was pretty sure she had been ready for months. All she needed was my permission.

"You have all your things?" I asked. "You don't need to bring everything as this is only temporary."

"I know." She replied. "I've had everything prepared since a few weeks ago."

"Give me a few hours and I'll be over at your place."

The moment I hung up another groan left my lips. It had felt so peaceful being in bed but there were things I had to do today. I couldn't spend all day laid naked on my bed with my clothing thrown everywhere. Resisting the urge of allowing my eyelids to close, I quickly got dressed and drove to Emilia's house. A hot cup of tea had given me the energy needed to not crash. Though the first sight of Emilia's apartment would have woken me up in any case.

I barely knocked on her door and she opened up. We embraced each other tightly. Partly out of fear and partly out of excitement. We were taking our relationship to a different level which lead to an uncertain future. Either we would grow even closer or we would drift apart. On her doorstep, with her body pressed against mine, it felt like there was no force that could tear us apart. But hadn't countless couples said similar things in the past? Hadn't a good majority of them parted ways?

"You're still tired, aren't you?" Emilia asked.

"No." I replied after letting out a loud yawn.

She laughed and very soon all of her things were in my car. At least the same amount of luggage that she would have taken on a long trip. On the way to my-no, our home we jumped from topic to topic. She asked about my latest project while I teased her about forgetting something. She didn't try to argue as no matter how well someone packed, there would always be an item missing upon arrival.

"This is really happening." Emilia said once we had arrived in my driveway. "I love you, Iain."

"I love you too, Emilia." I replied and we started to move her things into the house.

The moment was full of a reverence I never thought possible. It was a ritual of thanks. It was a ritual of hope for the future. It was a ritual of love and devotion. In my love's eyes I could see the same feelings. Maybe we were both reacting calmly as this wasn't the point of no return. This was merely to test the waters and make sure we were right for one another.

I yawned even louder than before which caused Emilia to laugh. She took my hand and raced me to our bedroom. Her youthful body had gone quickly from timid to aroused. She wanted to **** and I wished dearly that my body felt the same way. Half-way up the stairs I stopped and let out another loud yawn.

"We still have the rest of the day." I told her with a smile. "We don't need to **** right now. I'm afraid of falling asleep while inside you. I don't think that's a memory you need."

"Especially as I'd be afraid you had a heart attack." Emilia teased. "How do you normally sleep?"

"I sleep so when I wake up again, there will be no wait until I start fucking you."

"You're going to make the next few hours extremely painful for me."

I held out my hand and she took it. This time she lead me slowly to the bedroom. It was more of a mess than when she had come over before. Things were out of place since I hadn't had time to put them in any kind of order. At least the floor was clean so she didn't stumble over anything. She let go of my hand and slowly walked around the room, her hands feeling what was now hers.

I started getting undressed and her eyes wandered down my body. While I took all my clothes off, she only stripped down to her underwear. Then both of us went under the covers and embraced each other. Before I went to sleep I focused on the feeling of her in my arms and her head on my chest. If everything worked out, this would be the bliss I would experience until my death. Neither of us needed to ****, all we needed to do was embrace each other's presence.

My dreams were more than peaceful. Emilia and I had been married for years. We were walking around our large house and our golden retriever circled around us and howled out. Our dog started playing with our two children and all of us laughed. In the past a dream of having children wouldn't have been so pleasant.

I woke up and felt Emilia's warmth against my chest. I wanted to take a shower but didn't want to wake her up. She looked too beautiful as she was. Once she woke up we could talk or ****. I dearly hoped she chose the latter as my **** had woken up too. It took time and effort to escape her reach as with every move I made, she would also move too get closer to me. A laugh nearly escaped my lips right before I got off the bed. After I put the covers over her, I made my way inside the bathroom. Somehow it looked very different from before though nothing had changed.

I turned on the shower and didn't wait until the water heated up enough. The cold water was a shock to my system and I embraced the confusion I went through. No matter what happened now, Emilia was here. If during anytime of her visit I was feeling down, her arms were there to embrace me. She would always be there for me and nothing would change that, I hoped. The moment the water warmed up, I started washing myself.

If Emilia came in she would want to **** me no matter my state. Once this thought was in my head I started washing faster than normal. Because my head held less hair, shampooing and conditioning went much quicker than when I had been young. Though I shouldn't linger on any moment, I couldn't help but spend more time washing my hair. After going too long without a shower, it felt good to just linger on the warm water. It felt good to linger on the way the water heated and soothed my skin. For a moment I wished that my love stayed asleep.

After half an hour I washed off the last of the soap. I leaned my head back and allowed the water to flow over me. Emilia yawned which caused me to smile. The innocent sound from her was a lie. With what she had done to me, there was no innocent bone in her body. She longed to **** and she was good at it. The innocent smile was a mask to wear in front of the cameras. Every actor wore such a mask so that people could fit us into whichever box they chose.

"Iain?" Emilia asked after another loud yawn.

"I'm in here, Emilia." I replied with an Irish accent. "Want to join me?"

She stumbled her way to the bathroom and just looked at me, her eyes exploring the body that was hers to do as she pleased with. It didn't take much prompting for her to do much more than look at me.

Finally we lay exhausted on the floor.

"If your **** ****** **** **** ** ** ***," Emilia said. "I'd demand you put it in my **** right now."

"If you need anything else, I'll be more than happy to provide." I replied and laughed when her stomach singled it was hungry.

"I think I know what I need."

She gently pushed me out and it took all of my restraint not to take her again. It would be no use ******* her if she was only thinking of food the entire time. Both of us washed up quickly and made our way to the kitchen. Since cooking would need to be done, I put on clothing to protect myself.
"How about you let me cook this time?" Emilia asked as we walked down the stairs. "If we're going to live together, maybe it'd be good for me to carry my load."

"I thought my cooking was the reason you decided to live with me."

"You're cooking isn't that good, Iain."

"I'm hurt."

We both laughed.

It was an extremely odd feeling sitting at the table as Emilia rushed around the kitchen. Even though most people thought of cooking as a woman's job, I had been a bachelor for a long time. The only time women had come over was to fuck. When my girlfriend had stayed over the weekend she had still been a guest and so I had done all the cooking. It took constantly reminding myself that this was normal to remain calm. Emilia took my emotions in good stride and a smirk on her lips.

"I'm sorry you can't help making eggs." She teased. "I know I am a mere woman, but I'm sure I can do this."

"Well, you're making due with my limited supplies so that makes your achievement very impressive."

"When did you go shopping last?"

"I wasn't expecting you today or else I'd have stocked up."

"You're right, I should have told you a few days in advance."

"I'm sure the shop will still be open once we eat your meal."

"I think you're stretching the definition of meal, Iain."

"Anything for you."

The one perk of not cooking was watching Emilia. I was able to focus on her every movement and enjoy the wonder that was her. It felt like I needed some beer or wine in my hand to truly enjoy this moment. Once she finished cooking, we ate in silence. Not the silence that makes you uneasy, but the silence that is born out of the fact you don't need words to communicate. It was a good beginning to what would hopefully be a future that included her in a white dress and me saying 'I do' to her.

After the meal we made a list of what to get. Some of the items I would've gotten next time shopping and others I wouldn't have. There was no need for a man to get a tampon. Well, unless he was into things I could never dream of. Things I wouldn't want to dream of in all honesty. After making the list it was a short drive to get to the grocery store.

It was a strange thing to be shopping with Emilia. She would not just be staying for the weekend, she wouldn't leave until she found another man. Or maybe she would stay forever and we would grow old together. I wasn't an idiot and was very well aware we wouldn't die at the same time. She was too young to share a deathbed with me. Unless a great disaster happened.

"Iain," Emilia whispered. "Look."

I inwardly groaned at the people looking at us. Because of my girlfriend I had been able to forget about the rumors and the interest we would cause. I was sure most weren't able to recognize Emilia without her wig, but my features weren't that different from the character of Jorah Mormont. Or at least I liked to think so.

"Let's try to avoid them." I whispered back. "Get everything quickly and then leave."

"And that won't cause an even bigger scene?" Emilia replied with an eye roll.

"Are you sure you want to deal with this?"

"I'm not going to live my life afraid."
The experience of shopping with my girlfriend for the first time had started out as a daydream and ended up as a nightmare. Those that recognized us asked highly personal questions that I had to dodge gracefully. No need to get in the news because of these morons. Some even dared to ask us about our sexual preferences. It was as if just because we were celebrities, no one respected our privacy. They couldn't let their dreams stay on the internet and away from our eyes, they had to make sure we knew their opinions.

Before we were able to leave the store, we had to stop a few people from taking our pictures. Though both Emilia and myself thought we would find the pictures online the following day. We could only look at so many people, even in a small crowed, and people were innovative when they truly wanted something.

"Everyone has to settle down sometime." Emilia said with a sigh as we put away the groceries. "They can't spend all their time speculating on our lives."

"You'd be surprised what people find time for." I replied and returned her sigh.

"You looked nervous nearly the entire time. Is it always that bad for you?"

"With you it wasn't as bad as usual. Besides if I'm forced to choose between a comfortable life and you, I'd always choose you."

"You're so sweet it's like you're lying."

"If only I was."

We laughed and quickly finished putting everything in its place. This was the future I wanted and, for now, it seemed more than ideal. I wouldn't have to face the world alone like before. I would have Emilia beside me to make sure I didn't fall down.

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