Sunday, March 3, 2019

Feedback on Quizzes

[make spiffy intro about having the ability for people to provide feedback on my quizzes and deciding to put some of the feedback on this post]

While there was a Hork-Bajir Chronicles, there was never a Taxxon Chronicles. If you were given the ability to make a canonical Taxxon Chronicles, what would you do? How would you structure the book? What time period would you focus on?
From THIS quiz.

I would focus on the time the alliance was created and how this went on to affect the Taxxon who would become a member of the Council of Thirteen. It would be written similar to Visser with flash-backs only no memory dump. 

I would probably begin with the origins of the Taxxons themselves, explaining their biology and the hive in more depth. Then, I would consider detailing a period wherein they tried several attempts to cure the hunger that never worked, until finally the Yeerks came and promised to simply give them all the food they could eat. There would be a divide between those loyal to the hive, and those who sided with the Yeerks.
-Kaleb Martin

I would focus on the Resistance with Arbron as the main character ending with his death.
-Kimberly Hart

Mountain Taxxons and their rebellion, lead by Arbron. Right after the end of the Andalite Chronicles.

Before the Yeerks arrived, showing the progression of the species from moderately intellegent to single minded carnivores

Do you think Rachel would've been able to adapt to life after the war? Why or why not?
From THIS quiz.

I think it would have taken time. She was sixteen. She hadn't been in the darkness for very long. And even people who have--even victims of the worst kinds of trauma--have hope for healing. The human mind is tremendously malleable. And there is always hope.

I think eventually, like Jake did to a certain extent. It wouldn’t have been easy. She probably would’ve gone with the others at the end to find Ax.  
No. She had become too addicted to fighting, to the war. She would have needed another war to fight at least as much as Jake needed one, but instead of being able to live peacefully until there was one, she would have been picking fights, flying off the handle all the time, endangering others needlessly. She might have tried, like Jake so long ago, to say that she could go back to living a normal life, but she would have known that she could never do it. She already knew she couldn't, at the latest by The Separation. She knew that that desire to spill blood, to kill even, was too much a part of her, and she needed that rush and the danger it entailed to survive.

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