Saturday, August 11, 2018

Family Don't End in Blood Giveaway (Flight Rising)

Update: The giveaway is over. Thanks to everyone that participated. Maybe you were a member of Flight Rising and this giveaway made you a fan of my blog. Or maybe you're a fan of my blog who has suddenly learned about Flight Rising.

If you are a member of Flight Rising and can't wait until my next giveaway to get dragons from me: You can always check out the Auction House and my Dragon Shop for dragons I'm selling.

I also run a small WRITING SHOP

As someone who doesn't have the most loving family, the Supernatural quote 'family don’t end in blood' really hits home to me. Family can be there and care for you. They can take you in when they don't have to. They can support you when it's trouble for them. But if they aren't there for you and are hurtful to you, that doesn't mean you have a bad family.

Sometimes we can't have the best blood family that supports our emotional needs, but we can have friends. It can be that your friends are there when your blood family isn't. And that is okay because 'family don't end in blood'.

In my quest to give back to my loyal blog readers, here's another giveaway. This time I'm giving away dragons (I know, shocking) from the site Flight Rising. I am jashykins on the site.

Now this giveaway is running a little differently than my Dragon Cave one due to how breeding is done on Flight Rising. The number of dragons I give away each time is dependent on how many eggs are produced in the 'giveaway nest'. I have selling my dragons in the Auction House and Exalting others as part of my income on the site. Losing a little here and there is fine, but doing constant giveaways is a no no.

This time I am giving away three dragons. The parents are Jorah and Ellimist.

Below are listed the rules of this giveaway:

1.) You MUST be the first to comment/claim a dragon to get it. To claim a dragon simply say its name in your comment.

2.) You MUST also comment with your username so I know who to send it to.

3.) If you don't like the dragon's name for whatever reason, in your comment say so and a Scroll of Renaming will be sent your way as well as the dragon.

4.) You MUST comment on this post and not anywhere else I post the link to this giveaway. I will most likely post this in a bunch of places and I don't want to spend time figuring out who was really first.

5.) If a dragon reaches a week old and isn't claimed, the giveaway will be over and I will Exalt the remaining dragon(s). I will put EXALT by the dragon's name if that happens.

Here are the lovely dragons this time around: