Saturday, October 31, 2020

Coming Soon: Simple Changes that Could've Fixed Jonerys

To say I have a complicated relationship with the pairing of Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (aka Jonerys) from Game of Thrones is an understatement. The pairing had a lot of potential that could've made me a proud Jonerys shipper.

Yes, my One True Pairing (OTP) of Game of Thrones will always be Jorah Mormont/Daenerys Targaryen (aka Jorleesi). But I'm also a multi-shipper that doesn't have many ships I just can't stand. In short I don't care how my many ships conflict with one another.

While I can admit that Jonerys had potential, I can also admit that potential was wasted on the show. There were so many problems that made it fail but there were still Jonerys shippers that liked what Game of Thrones gave them.

There are many things I loathe about how the show portrayed Jonerys and I've ranted about it many times on this blog. Today my rant will be contained to three things that could've been changed to make this popular pairing actually good.

Release Date: November 14, 2020

Go HERE to read the post early.

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