Monday, February 24, 2025

That Part Chapter 21: A Strange New World

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.


Alex pulled the car over a little distance away from the crime scene. I didn't know why I should care about Agent Nightingale and just assumed they cared as he was another FBI agent. Though my love seemed to have another reason for being so invested in this case. If he ever shared that truth with me it would be his choice.

"It's quite the walk to Bright Falls, Jash." Saga said as she handed me some of this Earth's currency. "Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"I have walked far longer in far harsher conditions." I replied as I put the currency into one of my pockets. "If the walk becomes too much for me I'll conjure a mount."

Alex turned to look at me with a questioning look in his gaze. He knew as well as I that the two mounts I could conjure would draw attention. One was a Daedric Horse that looked almost like a horse and so could probably pass for one from a distance. Or close up if the driver merely spent a few seconds barely glancing at it. Arvak, on the other hand, would draw attention right away. He had once been a living horse but was now merely a skeleton with purple flames coming off of his bones.

"I won't summon any mounts if anyone is close by, Alex." I said and exited the car. "It is not ours to draw attention to ourselves."

If I had wanted to draw attention to myself I would've quickly dropped this dryskin guise.

Before starting my walk to Bright Falls I looked at Alex. His gaze, like my own, was full of longing hidden behind restraint. He had his job to do and I would wait until that was done. After that we would return to Skyrim and start a new life.

Once the view of Alex's FBI vehicle was far out of sight I focused on this world. Of course Alex would be upset in a place like this and it was a wonder Saga wasn't. While in Skyrim nature wasn't hampered, even in this wild part there was a separation. A separation made of foul smells that would hopefully fade away as my time here increased.

The sounds of wildlife also seemed like they had faded away to a distant whisper over time. And that wasn't only due to the rare vehicles that passed by. My love had mentioned living in the city and I couldn't understand how anyone could live like that. At least this long walk to Bright Falls had thick forests on either side of the road.

I couldn't wait to return to Skyrim and soak in the feeling of nature. I couldn't wait to get drunk and high while trekking through the vast wilderness. Even the foul smelling water of the cities couldn't compare to what this road offered.

My eyes briefly drifted to my dryskin hands and I couldn't escape the knowledge that I had originally grew up in this world. Or a world like it. Praise the Hist for the fact that I no longer carried the taint of this world in my blood. Now only Saxhleel blood flowed through my veins.

The Oh Deer Diner finally came into view and I was grateful for the rest it promised. As soon as I opened the door I wasn't assaulted by the usual inn smells. There had been something used to clean the place and it was much cleaner than any inn I had been in.

It was good that some smells weren't there such as buckets that hadn't yet been cleaned. If there were no buckets it must mean that there was a different way to get rid of bodily fluids. My dryskin body would need to pee at some point and so I would find out for certain then.

"Jash Telvanni," A cheery woman with the name tag Rose said. "It's good to see you again."

Rose was yet another reminder that this wasn't my first time to Bright Falls. Somehow she had at least one memory of a past loop. It could be that she only knew of a past loop or just me being here at some point.

"I'll get you your usual." Rose said and I took a seat at a small booth.

The material of the seat was much cleaner than any back in Skyrim. It also didn't feel as comfortable as back home. The imperfections made my home what it was. It would be good to get back there and I'd remember Earth as merely an interesting memory.

"Stag Sausage and Mash." Rose said and placed a plate of food in front of me. "And coffee."

"Thank you, Rose." I replied and made a mental note to leave her a good tip.

She walked away as if it was usual for me to not ask for anything else. If I thought she had more information about any past loop, I would have asked. But I didn't know anything for certain and it was ours to make ourselves just part of the crowd.

A luxury not easily afforded me back home.

I ate the meat and it tasted decent. But nothing that was killed by another's hand would ever taste the same. There was an unfamiliar taste on my tongue that took me a moment to figure out. It must be whatever substance preserved food in this reality.

To take a break from eating I decided to sip the divine smelling liquid. The coffee's smell and taste were equally divine. As I continued to drink I felt more energy flow through my veins. The taste, smell, and effects it had on me needed to be shared with Skyrim.

After returning home I would figure out how to grow the necessary ingredients. Skyrim needed this.

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