Show: American Horror Story
Season: 3
Alternate Season Title: Coven
Episodes: 13
Created By: Ryan Murphy
Released: 2013-2014
Rating: 4/5
Basic Plot: Problems arise in the Coven and a new Supreme will rise.
How It All Holds Together
What I find as a problem for American Horror Story, at least for now, is the fact that it can never hold a season together. In the first season (Murder House) it was the fact that the finale didn't feel like a solid ending, with the second season (Asylum) it was the fact that it tried to tell too much and felt stretched out near the end, and this one the finale felt a little flat. There was horror in this finale and plot lines were tied up, including the Supreme getting chosen, but this season deserved a better finale.
Very Concise, All Things Considered
This has been my favorite season of American Horror Story so far. Why is that? This one held itself up so well, had a very interesting story to tell, and had rules that it followed for the most part (Spalding, what are you? and Queenie, how did you get out of that situation?). I was more than excited to tune in each week to see how some of my favorite characters were doing (one of my favs this season was Misty).
Life Lessons
I like to think I'm good at certain social issues. This doesn't mean I always have the most PC mouth as I see a difference in being a decent human being and being afraid of certain words because they MIGHT offend and not taking notice if they actually do. But I can tell when a show is being sexist, racist, ect. while overall enjoying the show because the good far outweighs the bad (this doesn't mean I don't think improvements need to be made). When I watch this series I'm looking to be entertained so am shocked when people really think this show will be a positive influence on some issues. How American Horror Story is going so far it isn't going to make a stance (like: rape isn't needed to tell a horror story) on any issue unless it adds to the story in some way, but it will sure as hell entertain me for around an hour each week.
Final Thoughts
This season was the best one yet and I really wished it had a better finale for it. Lily Rabe graces us with her presence again, this time as Misty Day the witch who can bring creatures back from the dead. For the most part I didn't like Queenie since she swung wildly from one side to the other, all because she didn't know where she belonged. That's not a character type I usually enjoy. The rape at the beginning of this season didn't have the payoff I thought it should, so I would've loved for that scene to have been changed. Overall this season was highly enjoyable with little spooks and some good characters.
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