Friday, June 12, 2020

Lynesse Chapter 7: Call of the North

This is a Game of Thrones fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE

The light pouring through the room seemed to try and pull my head apart. Last night's wine, ale, and beer was now taking hold on my body. I opened one eye slowly to see how much pain I was actually in. Khaleesi had left the room a few hours ago and told me to join her once I was feeling better. While I wanted to spend all day in bed that would be extremely rude and show me as not being worthy to be King of the Seven Kingdoms.

With great effort I sat up and opened my other eye. There was still pain but I could tell that it was lessening with every moment. Now I just had to force myself to sit on the edge of the bed to figure out how my balance was. When the world didn't spin once my feet touched the floor I knew it was safe to walk.
The chill of the morning air helped me overcome my hangover. Khaleesi was still young and so had been up by sunrise. Though I don't think it was just her youth that helped her have an early start to her day, it was also the fact that she hadn't used alcohol to cure her unease. We had spent hours making love after the feast to make both ourselves feel better. Though we hadn't ****** gently, she had still risen with energy while I could only continue sleeping.

I didn't try to hide away from the chill in the air and instead embraced it as I found my clothes. Some were where they should be while others were littered oddly around the room. My love was a noble queen and yet she had a beast inside her like we all did. Instead of her beast coming out when she held a sword, it came out when she made love.

After gathering up my clothes I got dressed. Now that I would become her king, I could call upon a servant to help me get dressed. But it had been so long since I had that luxury, that the thought repulsed me. How could one such as me really expect to allow servants to do daily things ever again? But it would be something I'd have to endure once Khaleesi sat on the Iron Throne. If I didn't adopt old customs it would be seen as odd and something to be questioned.

The last part of my outfit was Heartsbane. I took the Valyrian sword out of its scabbard and looked at it. If Melisandre was correct, it was Lightbringer and I Azor Ahai. Maybe Sam would have answers on the subject but I quickly dismissed the idea. If the Red Priestess was right about my true identity, the truth would become clear in the future.

I put Heartsbane back into its scabbard and closed my eyes. If I were Azor Ahai that would mean something worse than the Night King was alive in Westeros. What could possibly terrify me more than the leader of the White Walkers had?

That mystery could wait another day as now I needed to find Khaleesi. In the hallways servants were cleaning up messes that men hadn't kept in the Great Hall. From the various scents there was a mixture of both wine and vomit littering Winterfell. A few servants appeared to be working through hangovers and I didn't envy them. At least all I had to do was walk and talk with the love of my life. They, on the other hand, would be having their senses triggered back to the events of the feast.

The moment I stepped outside I sighed in relief. The cold of winter was the best cure for my hangover and I felt the remnants of last night go from me. When I met my love today my mind would be clear. Though I didn't expect any conflict until we started to discuss what she wanted to do next.

I moved quickly out of the way of a woman that was walking hurriedly. With how worn her clothing looked and the tools she was caring, it looked as if she were helping to repair Winterfell. The majority of activity as I walked around the castle was made up of people returning the sacred place to its former glory. That would not be easy to do as Drogon and the Night King had both wrecked havoc that couldn't be easily repaired.

And even once the damage could never be seen again, the memories would remain. Part of me would always remain there and the nightmares would come back every few years. The most intense battles I'd been a part of would still come back to me. Thankfully with the years the pain hardly remained. Hopefully the same would be true of the Battle of Winterfell.

Out of the corner of my eye a familiar face appeared with his direwolf beside him. I turned and looked at Jon comforting his men working on a ruined section of Winterfell. After debating if my presence would disturb the work going on, I walked over to him.

"I'll ask Lady Stark." Jon replied. "While I was negotiating with Queen Daenerys I couldn't manage Winterfell's supplies. She has been keeping various lists and will be sure to know if we can get you the supplies you need."
The commoner bowed to Jon and walked away. In the brief second before he looked at me, it seemed like I could see how much leading affected him. It was a weakness he didn't want to show for obvious reasons. The moment a Lord or King showed weakness was the last time their enemies allowed them such a mistake.

"Lord Stark." I said and a faint grin graced his lips.

"Jorah, you've fought beside me numerous times." Jon said as the grin faded. "You don't need to grant me any titles. Besides, I heard that one day I might have to start calling you Your Grace."

"Who told you?"

"During the feast last night Daenerys and I talk. She brought up the fact that you would be her king. You are the one who's been with her the longest and the one she trusts the most. It makes sense that you'll be her king."

Was Jon jealous? Was that's the true reason he walked away angrily? No, those were just dark thoughts that were threatening to invade my mind. Jon cared nothing for power and only claimed the power he needed. Or, more often, was forced into having. Besides if he actually cared about sitting on the Iron Throne he would've stayed in Khaleesi's bed.

"Do you think I'll make a good king?" I asked.

"Of course." Jon replied. "But Daenerys should have found a better man for a political marriage. With me she was able to have the North but the only importance you have is with her."

"Right now she needs someone she trusts to never abandon her. Besides, my actions in the Battle of Winterfell have endured me to the people. I am one of the three men to face off against the Night King and live."

"You're right. Ever since fighting the Night King you have the love of the people."

There was a great sadness in his eyes and I couldn't tell why. Was he thinking about the fall of House Mormont? It was most likely that if Khaleesi was able to bear me children that they would be Targaryens. Therefore I was the last Mormont. I was the last one to bear that proud name and I would have to find peace with that. Unless I decided against keeping my love's bed warm.

No, I couldn't do that. I loved her too much to abandon her.

"It is strange to have the common people pay attention to me." I admitted. "I never thought I'd have the admiration from the North ever again."

"It's strange not to be a bastard anymore." Jon said. "I was glad to get rid of my title of King of the North. I would prefer to fade away into obscurity rather than tackle the pains of ruling."

If there ever came a time while being king that I felt too overwhelmed by everything, I knew there would always be Jon to turn to. He, more than others, would understand the odd feeling one got when they felt too many people trusted them. I was used to Khaleesi trusting me with her life but not people bending their knees to me.

"The only reason I'm going to be king is because I love Daenerys too much to do otherwise." I said.

"And if she didn't want you?" Jon asked.
"I'd help her win the Iron Throne and then spend my days making sure House Mormont stayed strong."

Jon smiled sadly with his eyes. There was a message buried deep within them but I couldn't tell what. Whatever it was was important and I wished to spend all days looking into his eyes to figure out the mystery. But I had promised Khaleesi to meet her, so I turned my eyes to look at Winterfell.

"You know I was dead for a short time." Jon said and Ghost pressed his body close to the Stark's. "Things changed greatly once I was brought back to life. There had to have been a reason I was allowed to breathe again as the pain of being alive is too great at times. There has to be a reason that I'm enduring this pain."

"There is a reason, Jon." I replied. "You will bring a new age of greatness to the North."

"I don't know. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Before I died I felt an intense connection with Ghost. He wasn't just my direwolf, he was a part of my soul. So it was a shock that when I woke I felt my connection with him lessened. I was disturbed and it was something that started to eat away at me. Why did he stay by my side when we weren't connected like before? I don't know how I came to be at peace with my new reality, but I did. I guess because we didn't have the same friendship I felt fine leaving him at Winterfell as I made my way to Dragonstone."

I felt a need to embrace him so he could be comforted. But he was no child and I was far from being his father. No words would be able to tell him how much I cared for him and that I wished to change his situation. Maybe I could tell him that if I had the ability I would gladly connect him to Ghost like before he died? No, I would just have to trust that Jon was able to hear the thoughts I couldn't express.

"We'll be going south soon and you'll be living in King's Landing with Daenerys." Jon said after a moment's silence. "I doubt you'll have many chances to travel to the North. It wouldn't be right for you to be without a symbol of your home."

What symbol? It couldn't be that. I looked from Jon to Ghost. The man wouldn't have talked about his new distance from Ghost for a reason unrelated to the symbol of the North he wanted to give me. Khaleesi accepting me into her bed was an honor I didn't think would ever be bestowed onto me. Yet I went eagerly to her because it was right that our bodies should be intertwined like our souls already were. Jon offering me Ghost was too high of an honor as my debt to the North was much more than one battle could help repay.

Just as I was about to refuse Jon's offer, Ghost's large body slammed into mine. I did my best to stay upright but the direwolf fought fiercely against my sense of balance. In the end his will overrode my own and I went crashing into the snow. I should have been embarrassed but the only feeling in me was that of utter joy. Maybe no one else but Jon could see it, but there was a joyful gleam to Ghost's red eyes.

The direwolf's paws were gentle on my chest. He seemed very aware of what would be too painful for me. He would be a good companion while I lived out my days in King's Landing. He would bring me comfort when the days became too warm and I longed for the chill only found in the North. He would be the symbol of the North I needed.

"It seems Ghost has made his decision." I said and managed to keep a smile off of my face.
Ghost licked my face and I grimaced at the direwolf's rough tongue. The tongue wasn't meant to lick a human. It was meant to clean the meat off bones and not to express feelings like he currently was. As he had been so gentle with his paws I trusted him not to rip my face off. Though I was extremely nervous until he stopped.

"He's not usually this excitable." Jon said with a smile.

"I would expect not." I replied. "None of the songs about House Stark mentioned direwolves acting like children."

Or maybe there had been. It was possible that in my studies I had overlooked anything that had diminished House Stark in my eyes. Could it have been that as a young child I had read childish stories about direwolves? It was more than possible those stories existed. Looking into Ghost's eyes I knew there was much more to him than an animal. If he was more than an animal it meant that he could experience a need to play for no reason at all.

Ghost stepped off me and gave me room to stand up. But before I could stand up on my own, Jon offered me his hand. He was not making a statement about my age or ability, he was being a friend. I took his hand and felt him grip tightly. It was just as strong as anyone could hope for hin a leader. As I stood up I kept my eyes focused on his to try and know this man better. His eyes revealed a strong leader that was brave enough to face whatever the future held for him.

"I do not deserve this honor." I told him once I was standing up. "How do you think your father would react to you giving away your Stark heritage?"

"Ned kept the truth of my birth from everyone so he was able to ignore honor when he had to." Jon said after a moment's thought. "Before I would think he would disagree with the decision. He would remind me that I had a duty and shouldn't give my direwolf to someone who once sold people into slavery. Yet now I think he would agree with my decision. If he could make the decision that sometimes honor needs to be sacrificed for something greater, he would understand when I made the same call."

Eddard had been one of the most honorable men in Westeros, but he had not lived his life solely on honor. One of his rare moments of dishonor had been keeping Jon's true name and heritage a secret. Jon had been the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. After Robert Baratheon had taken the Iron Throne, he had declared that all Targaryens were to be slaughtered. If Eddard had declared the truth about Jon, the newborn would've been killed. The only reason Jon was alive now was that his uncle had lied to everyone to keep his sister's son safe.

"I promise to honor the gift you have given to me, Jon." I told the Stark. "I will keep Ghost safe and treat him with respect."

"And Ghost will keep you safe, Jorah." Jon replied. "He won't let any harm come to you. He stayed with me until I came back to life. He knows what we are all capable of. More than we ourselves do."

"I don't mean to appear rude but I need to find Khaleesi. She's probably waiting for me."

"I understand."

"Do you feel jealous of me?"

"No. I'm just glad she has someone by her side."
His voice indicated there was something more to his words but I couldn't figure out what it was. An honorable man like Jon wouldn't degrade himself by laying with another man so he didn't mean he wished he was with me. Nor would such an observant man think Daenerys was anything but noble. So what was it?

I walked away with Ghost by my side. The direwolf being so near reminded me of the Battle of Winterfell. Like then he was a shield against the rest of the world. No one would dare attack me with such a creature by my side. Especially as currently everyone was more concerned about rebuilding and not eager for more war.

As we reached the gates of Winterfell I wondered how comfortable Ghost would be in King's Landing. A creature such as him was connected with the North which is the reason Jon had given me the direwolf. It was so that I would be connected to the place I grew up in even though Khaleesi was my home now.

Could I do that even if it broke the direwolf? Was it right to make such a creature uncomfortable for the sake of pleasing me?

I had to trust Jon. It wouldn't be like him to endanger Ghost in any manner. He was honorable and so wouldn't want to cause his own soul harm. As I stepped through the gates Ghost walked back towards Jon. Part of me wanted to call him back but I resisted. This might be one of the last days he could spend freely with the man who had raised him.

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