Saturday, December 2, 2017

Crossing the Divide 85

This is a Game of Thrones/Resident Evil crossover fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders. For Resident Evil I'm referring to the movieverse.

This chapter has been edited due to content. A graphic sex scene has been cut and a torture scene has been edited down. I also made smaller edits throughout the chapter. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

I put my head in my hands as I sat on the edge of my bed. Sam was out with Eyrie while Eve was training. She trained as hard as her young body would allow her to. It made me proud that I could produce something that had such strength. If she had had my upbringing she would have done well. Maybe one day Eyrie would show the same need to fight. Or maybe he would take after his father and have the brains of the family.

Them being gone left me alone with my thoughts. Thoughts that attacked every part of me. The memories of Alex’s death were the hardest when I was alone with no distractions. The memories would produce such anger in me that I didn’t know how to react. Every day I looked for a battle I could fight in or an execution I could help with. But each time I was restrained by the rest of the Kaari. Each time I would allow them to restrain me as some waning part of me knew they were right. I hated that they were right but I was not one to deny the truth.

Someone had to pay for what had happened to my husband. Someone would have to die horribly for what had been done to him. For what had been done to my triplets. Tears went out of my eyes and through my fingers. I stopped when I heard someone knocking on my door. I recognized the man’s scent. I wiped my face to help hide the tears before opening.

“Chris,” I said. “Do you need something?”

My voice had broken a few times while asking that simple question. While just making conversation with a friend. Chris Redfield had been the father of Alec Isaacs, though sometimes I would forget that fact. Since arriving back at Winterfell we had hardly talked. I had hardly talked with anyone that wasn’t part of the Council or my family.

“I wanted to check up on you.” Chris said as he closed the door behind him. “I…I…you’ve seemed different ever since you came back. I get why but it still worries me. I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to help.”

“Help?” I asked with a laugh as I took my previous seat. “You can’t bring Alex back and you can’t bring my children back. No one can help me.”

My former lover sat on the bed next to me. He looked as worried as I felt. Nothing could bring back the dead, not with the state they were in, but I needed to do something. I needed to harm those who had wronged me. That seemed to be the only way I could get closer. The only way I could start to feel again.

“You have your husband’s clone.” Chris pointed out. “You have Eve and Eyrie. You have Khaleesi, Rain, and their child. You have K-Mart and me.”

“I’m not going to replace Alex with substitutes.” I argued.

“I’m not…I’m not asking you to replace him. I’m asking you to realize you’re not alone. You’re not the only one to experience loss.”

“I’m sure that Khaleesi is extremely sad over my loss.”

“What about Eve, then? You lost a husband but she also lost a father that day. Her father is never going to return. You ever think that is the reason she is training so hard?”
Eve. My daughter. Alex’s only remaining offspring. I felt as if I had been slapped by the wing of a dragon. Viserion, if he weren’t under the control of the Night’s King, would be annoyed at me. My own dragon would be more than ready to show her anger. She knew my limits and how not to go too far. I looked up at Chris and he put a hand on my shoulder.

“I know this is hard for you.” Chris told me gently. “But you aren’t the only one fighting this war. You aren’t the only one that suffers from it. I know it isn’t fair but since you’re the leader you have to support the rest of us. Since you want to get more aggressive you’re going to have to show the people that you are there to support them. That even though you are asking them to risk a lot, you will always have their backs.”

A leader. That’s the role the gods had made for me. I had been part of a simple direwolf pack and now I was extremely powerful. In one reality I controlled the group known as the Mormonts while in the other I was the queen of Westeros. Humans followed gods, not fellow humans. If at this moment in the Nightmare I broke down those that followed me would find someone else. Maybe they would even follow Alice if they found a semblance of hope in her words. Possibly they would side with her if they found her stronger than me. Humans and direwolves had their differences but they were similar in many respects. One way they were alike was that they followed the strong.

“I will be strong.” I said and nodded. “It’s just not easy. Every time I can think I see them dying.”

“You can do this, Rin.” Chris promised me. “It won’t be easy or fun, but you can do this. When I saw you that day-“

“You saw what you would call ‘a nice piece of ***’. Don’t try to tell me a story about how you saw how strong I truly was or some such nonsense. You’re not a good storyteller.”

Chris laughed at that. He knew he was no wordsmith and would always fail at telling grand stories. But that didn’t matter as he was here for me. He had been with me for so long that I trusted him completely. Before I could become totally relaxed I heard another knock on the door.

“Come in.” I said standing up and breaking my moment of calm.

Jane Doe, one of the three Alice clone spies, bowed. She had been the easiest one to convince to completely leave her fellow clones behind. She had seen the truth of how this war was going. Alice might have been noble at first but after ordering children killed…Jane had quickly figured out how things were changing. Rebecca and Aria had been slightly harder to convince. They were still stuck in the past. Luckily, though, they had been convinced to move to Winterfell after a little time.

“It turns out that one of my fellow clones has been following me.” Jane said stoically. “She wants to know if she can find peace here.”
“The time for peace has long since passed.” I replied bitterly. “Now one of my husbands and all my triplets are dead. All those deaths could’ve been avoided if Alice had accepted my offer. This clone didn’t change sides before but waited some time after.”

I looked at Chris and he seemed to be repulsed by the darkness he saw growing in my eyes. I couldn’t help that darkness. That darkness told me to take comfort in the torture of this clone. Torturing was the only comfort that seemed possible at the moment.

“I understand.” Jane said reluctantly. “It would be so easy for a clone to come in here and wreck havoc. You aren’t too prepared for what we could do here. People are so used to peace.”

“The Rasiki are here.” Chris pointed out. “We could handle a good amount of chaos. But we shouldn’t risk our safety for the enemy. No offense.”

“None taken. What was done to you, Rin, was horrible and I understand the anger. I also trust for you to restrain yourself.”

“I will not be like Alice, Jane.” I promised the clone. “I will only kill those who harm us. I will not kill children or make wives kill their husbands.”
* * *
“I thought you were kind.” The Alice clone said, fear making her voice waver.

Currently we were both alone in an old lab. She was tied to a table while I stood beside her. I focused on how she looked at me. She was afraid and doing a horrible job at pretending to be brave. She knew she was going to die. She knew there was no escaping death now.

“Why did you come here?” I asked her.

“I thought you could help me.” The clone replied.

“Why would I help you? You served Alice and were never disloyal.”

“I knew no other way.”


My fists slammed down a few inches from her face. I wanted to rush into the torture and had to stop myself. Like sex, this moment needed foreplay. This might be the only prey the Kaari would give me. I must savor this blessed moment that the gods had given me. Once I felt calmer I walked around the table.

“Don’t give me some ******* about how it’s hard to disagree with a fellow clone.” I hissed. “Don’t tell me how it was more than difficult to break away from the others. You have known for quite some time about me. Jane Doe, Aria, and Rebecca have all proven that it is possible to change.”

“They are different.” The clone begged. “They are some of the strong ones. They’re not like most of us.”

“So you are one of the normal ones?” I asked. “Are you one of the weak ones? I can’t risk letting a clone in that won’t be loyal to me.”

“I’ll be loyal to you. I promise.”

“That means nothing to me now. Your time of making an alliance with the Mormonts is long over. Lines have been crossed.”

I took the small scalpel from my pocket and looked at it. If only Jorah was still by my side but that weapon had been lost. Besides, I wanted this torture session to last for hours. Jorah would finish this pathetic creature off too quickly. For hours I toyed with the clone.

It was as if I were back with my pack. Except they wouldn’t like me playing with my prey like this as it was pup-like behavior at best.

“Please kill me.” The clone started to beg.
Yes, it would be best to kill her now. This perverse game I had been playing with her had gone on long enough. More than long enough. When my prey finally went silent I stood up.

“Noah,” I said to the AI. “Have a cleanup crew come here. I want whoever works on cleaning up this mess to stay silent.”

“Yes, Doctor Isaacs.” The AI replied.

I knew rumors would spread but I wanted to control the information. I wanted an air of dignity placed around my actions. I might be a monster but I was a monster in charge of saving the world. I left the room behind as I tried to gather my thoughts.
* * *
“Was she a bad clone?” Eve asked as I helped her shower.

The communal shower was too small for Sam to join us so I was doing this alone. While some rooms had their own showers, others were left without that luxury. For me it was just convenient to use a communal shower now. In any case it was good to spend time with my daughter. The only thing of Alex I had left to comfort myself with. I could now fully understand how important Eve had been to my late husband. I could now fully understand how important she was to keeping my sanity. If I held onto her maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t be lost to insanity. Maybe the darkness would pass me by with only minor scars.

“She was a clone that didn’t think of switching sides until it was too late.” I told Eve. “So, yes, she was a bad clone.”

“She let Daddy die?” Eve asked.


That was the simple answer. It was unlikely that one clone, or even a group of clones, could change Alice’s mind. It was unlikely that the clone I had tortured, ate, and killed could have stopped Alex from dying. But there was a possibility, however faint, that if a group of clones stood up to Alice he would still be alive today.

I finished washing Eve and wished that this moment could go on forever. The water coming down and no worries about the rest of the world. I wanted to get lost in this moment but I knew I couldn’t. If I left the fight now then there would be no world to gift Eve. She would inherit the zombie infested world she had been born into. I wanted to leave her with something better.

Much too soon we were dressed and walking. Eve seemed to be a little too excited about training so I decided to take her to the park. As always the smell of the trees and grass provided much needed relief to me. My daughter didn’t rush off as was usual with her but stayed by my side. I had to talk to a few Mormonts before I could focus my attention back on Eve once again.

“Don’t you want to play?” I asked and she shook her head.

“I want to train.” Eve said. “I want to be like you. I want to be able to protect Eyrie and Sam and everyone else.”

“Sometimes it doesn’t matter how strong you are. You can’t save everyone. I am extremely powerful and I’ve lost the majority of my children. I’ve lost Alex.”

Eve sat down on the ground and didn’t look happy. I joined her. I wanted to reassure her but I couldn’t. I had to teach her how the world was. I didn’t want her to grow up thinking she was all powerful only to find out that she was merely a mortal. She could dream about saving everyone but she had to be aware of the truth. A truth that wasn’t always pleasant.

“But I’m training really hard.” Eve argued.

“I trained extremely hard in my youth.” I pointed out. “I trained harder than most humans. Yet I can’t save everyone. There are still limits I have to follow even when I wish I didn’t.”

“What if I can become stronger than you?”

“Then I will be proud. But just because you’re stronger than me doesn’t mean you will be all powerful. There are things that exist that make me seem like nothing.”

Eve had a determined look on her face. She wanted to win this argument and yet she couldn’t find a way. For a few minutes she said nothing as she ran her fingers through the grass. I understood why she wanted to feel like nothing could stop her. I could understand how that would be appealing. But believing in yourself too much could get you killed. And I didn’t want to lose yet another child.
“Your training will help you.” I told her. “Even though I pray that you will live in a world where you won’t need to fight, I know humans. I know how violent humans can be. If you need to fight in the future I’m sure you’ll be a great warrior. Your name will be sung in songs for ages to come.”

“But what if I can’t save everyone?” Eve asked. “Will you be mad? Will other people be mad?”

“It doesn’t matter if they are. What matters is that you will do your best.”

We smiled at each other and then I kissed the top of her head.
* * *
“You were violent with that clone.” Sam said as he went over data.

We were both in our room alone. Eve was playing with some of the other children while Eyrie was with a babysitter. It was a rare moment that we could spend time with only each other. So, of course, Sam had decided to finish up some last minute work. That’s what Alex would have done if he were still alive. I shook my head as I was trying to be as happy as I could be right now.

“I am surprised you have a problem with my actions.” I replied.

“I am surprised you did what you did.” Sam retorted. “Usually you are the one to be clear headed. With the clone…with the clone you were an animal. It was a sport to you.”

“Shouldn’t you be happy that I’m becoming more like you?”

Sam stopped what he was doing to turn and look at me. I could see the disappointment in every inch of his face. I could tell that he didn’t like what I had done. It must be that I had crossed a line he never would have. Maybe it was the fact that I had tortured her for so long. Maybe it was the fact that I had gathered no data during my torment of the Alice clone.

“I have spent a long time changing.” Sam finally said. “I have pushed back my instincts to become a better man for you. I know I’ll never become the man you deserve, but at least I’m trying. What you did with the clone makes me wonder if there was a reason for changing. Maybe in a few days you’ll become like me.”

The thought made me shiver. While I loved Sam and Alex, I knew what they were capable of. It was only because of me that Alex had changed and Sam had joined the Mormonts. Without me they would still be the cruel people they originally were. If I turned back into Scourge, Eve and Eyrie would be lost. They would see their mother as something they could never have imagined.

I walked over to Sam and kissed him gently on the lips.

“I won’t become that person, my love.” I said. “I just need time.”

“I believe in you, Rin.” Sam said. “That’s why I will never leave your side.”

Alex was gone but at least I would have Sam. At least until I left the Nightmare forever.

“Isaacs,” Noah said. “Three people have appeared in Winterfell. They did not enter, they just appeared. My sensors indicate Doctor Alexander Isaacs, Alice, and a small baby are now in the city. How should this situation be handled?”

Hisara, Alex, and Alice. I looked at Sam. My staying in more than one reality had caused yet another tear in reality.

I blinked.

“Everyone has the ability to change.” I told Melisandre. “I am sure that you can find a new way of life. I did. It wasn’t easy but I was able to adapt.”

“You’ve lived only for a short time, I’ve lived for centuries.” She retorted.

I nodded in agreement. It would be much harder for her than it was for me. While the change from the life of a direwolf to a human had taken me a long time, at least I hadn’t lived as a direwolf for hundreds of years first. Melisandre had dedicated herself to R’hllor for centuries only to find out he wasn’t even a god. 

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