Friday, May 8, 2015

Vulch (Yeaflon)

Picture from HERE
Vulch is the homeworld of the Yeaflon. In its early days, when the species was just evolving, it was an extremely harsh environment. Many reasons the Yeaflon evolved like they did was to better survive on the planet.

The planet has now calmed down, in a sense, though it isn't always the most pleasant of planets to visit. Especially as the Yeaflon are loathe to admit outsiders to their homeworld.

Most of Vulch's changes were due to terraforming and the Yeaflon using biotechnology to help better survive on their homeworld.

Vulch now has a few forests and seas, though most of its terrain is still desert and rocky.

While the Yeaflon explore the galaxy, keeping guardianship over it, Vulch is mostly full of the young, elderly, and disabled. Though healthy Yeaflon are there to keep watch over those that need their help.

Yeaflon Table of Contents  

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