Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Halloween Special (2011)

Show: Pretty Little Liars

Season: 2

Episode: The First Secret (aka The Halloween Special)

Developed By: I. Marlene King

Based on the Book Series by: Sara Shepard

Released: 2011

Rating: 2.5/5

Basic Plot: Allison takes the Pretty Little Liars to a Halloween Party.

The Special Opening
Since this is the Halloween Special the opening was changed. I liked that there was some change to the opening. It wasn't a big change, but it was something. It showed that the people making this series know a special has to be special.

Useless References
This special is a prequel to the series which could be good to explore things. However, most of the references in this episode are things we already knew about. Toby hints that Jenna is having sex with him, Aria sees her dad cheating on her mom (I swear that they recycled this clip from Season 1), and for some odd reason Darren hits on Hanna's mom (which I consider a little plot hole).

The Costumes
The costumes were decent. Since this is a tween show, the costumes couldn't get that slutty. However, Jenna's Lady Gaga costume was the most slutty of them all. The Pretty Little Liars wore decent costumes. Some were better than others. Emily's costume was my favorite among the Pretty Little Liars.

Final Thoughts
The good thing about this episode is that it helps hold PLL fans until part 2 of Season 2. Bad news is, it doesn't add anything to the PLL series and makes useless references to the rest of the series. In short, if you're a PLL fan you're forced to watch this episode. If not, you won't mind missing it at all. Also, if you're trying to keep up with the series I highly doubt you'll miss anything major by skipping this episode.

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