Monday, November 6, 2023

Isles of Murtagh

: Isles of Murtagh

Nickname: The Isles

Individual Islands: Navi and Ghost

Founding: Jash was on a long search for sniffer eggs. During this long journey they found two mushroom islands and felt compelled to start work on their first city.

Murtagh was the name of the treasured horse they had been riding. Jahar was renamed Ghost in honor of a parakeet that recently died over unusual health complications. Navi was a cockatiel that had recently passed while they were searching for sniffer eggs.

Resources: Being a mushroom island, the natural resources of the city are mushrooms.


You must not chop down the giant mushrooms. You are free to take the small mushrooms, however.

You must not take infected cows out of the city. Shears will be provided to those that have formed a friendship with a cow.


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