Monday, November 17, 2014

Z Nation: Zombie Comedy

I am a The Walking Dead fan and have been since the first season. I like how the show focuses more on the characters than the walkers. Hell, the title is a reference to the characters and not the walkers. But my love of that show did not affect my eventual love of the show Z Nation on the SyFy channel which takes a much different approach to the zombie mythos.

Where The Walking Dead takes a very serious approach, Z Nation has fun with its premise. And that's not a bad thing. Zombies shouldn't be limited to serious drama. Besides, Z Nation being more like a comedy makes it stand out against The Walking Dead and makes it so it doesn't compete with The Walking Dead's viewership.

People watching The Walking Dead may not like b-movies while the Z Nation crowd may not like things being serious most of the time.

One of the scenes I love to sell people on is when Doc gets high with a zombie. It is just hilarious. Here he is in a situation that will probably end with his death, but he decides to get stoned. That's not all as he then tries to have the zombie take a smoke. The zombie, of course, can't do that but still gets high via second hand smoke.

Another scene is where the Liberty Bell rolls off a truck and kills a bunch of zombies. That scene is just beautiful.

Another funny scene involves you knowing that the SyFy channel made Sharknado as they reference it. The scenario is that there is a zombie tornado and one of the characters remarks that it's good that the tornado is not made up of sharks.

Z Nation does have surprisingly gripping sub-plots such as when one of the group dies and another where Citizen Z meets a Russian Astronaut. The show also does touch on some things that The Walking Dead doesn't such as how the toilet paper situation is worked out.

So if you're in the mood for some zombie killing fun, may I suggest some Z Nation to brighten your day?


  1. I love the show also, both shows to be exact. Not even sure what it is but I'm enjoying both of them. I know Z Nation will still be on while Walking Dead goes on another 2 month hiatus.

    1. If you enjoy something, you don't always need to have a reason why =D

      (I have a hard time with comedy so if I find a comedy I like I usually don't question it too much)
