Monday, July 29, 2024

When Darkness Comes Chapter 6: A Flame

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

I put another Sweet Roll into my Mage Backpack and the treat was followed by the last few bottles of Skooma that the Khajiit Caravan had had in stock. The illegal and addictive substance was useful to keep me warm and allow me to really feel the land. When I was high it was as if everything became clearer. Though I only used it when the temperature dropped low and wine wasn't warming me up anymore.

I especially didn't want Alex to get scared off just because I was an addict. At least I could function while being high, not everyone could say that.

My eyes turned to see Alex finishing packing his Leather Backpack. While I had finished packing on the bar, he had resorted to packing on the small table. I had given all of his clothing enchantments so he could endure the harsh landscape better. He even had a small dagger as there was no way to get more bullets for his gun.

Though it hadn't seemed like he was competent with any blade. Which, as Eola had pointed out, meant the dryskin was a liability.

My own clothing was made up of the Aetherial Crown and Vampire Royal Armor. My gloves and boots would keep me warm and guarded, but weren't as important as the first two items. I didn't usually wear the clothing I had found in Bloodchill Manor, but I wanted to draw Alex's attention.

Was I just being an ignorant hatchling? It didn't matter.

"Why can't we just go to Lakeview Manor?" Alex asked as he closed his backpack. "Do you really need to stop at Heljarchen Hall? Why waste the time?"

"If you don't like taking your time, you won't survive in Skyrim." I answered with a smirk. "Even a small journey has dangers that can kill an unprepared adventurer. The journey we're undertaking and ire we're likely to attract means it will be more dangerous than most. It's not danger I want to endanger Bran with. He's already been through too much."

"Then he can just stay here."

"Lydia can check on him so he won't be alone. But that'll be once a day at most and he doesn't deserve to feel abandoned."

The dryskin opened his mouth and then shut it when Bran started barking loudly. His hand drifted to his gun but I wasn't worried. That dog and I had been through a lot together. So I knew what his different barks meant. In this case he was excited.

"I bought the horse." Eola said as she opened the door.

"Time to go." I told Alex and we all went to my stables.

The small stables could house merely one horse but that was enough. The horse was light brown and looked extremely calm. Alex had said he rode in cars and couldn't ever remember riding a horse. The description of cars was...odd. All mechanical like something a Dwemer would dream up during a night of drinking. Skulvar Sable-Hilt had taken the dryskin's weakness into account and given us one of the tamer horses. One that wouldn't sense Alex's weakness and use that to her advantage.

"I'll help you up, Alex." I told the man and held out a hand.

"I can get on a horse by myself." He retorted and the horse seemed to laugh.

"While it would be amusing to watch you mount a horse for the first time, we need to get moving."

He looked like he was about to argue before letting out a sigh. He took my hand, his touch sending waves of heat through my body, and soon enough he was mounted. He made small mistakes but nothing that sent the horse running far away before returning to the Whiterun Stables.

Bran barked happily as he ran around the horse.

"Heljarchen Hall isn't far away." I reassured Alex. "So you won't be uncomfortable for long."

After a few more minutes he was able to ride at a steady pace. Though it was extremely slow and I bet a small hatchling could easily outrun him. But I wasn't about to diminish his victory. I walked on his right side, Eola his right, and Bran his front.

"Why don't you have a horse of your own?" Alex asked. "You have the money."

"I have horses at some of my properties." I replied. "I also have tamed mounts throughout Skyrim. Besides those I have one I can summon at any given moment."

"The Champion didn't want to spend money on two horses as there will be other costs." Eola added.

"Why do you call him that?" Alex asked.

"I am Namira's Champion." I answered and held up the finger with the Ring of Namira. "She is the Daedric Prince of Decay. Whenever I feed on the flesh of a sentient being, I am not just enjoying the potent flavor. I am honoring her."

Out of the corner of my eyes I tried to see how the dryskin reacted. Would he run away? Would he ever want to bed a cannibal? My breathing returned to normal when I saw a disturbed look on his face fade away. He would never eat the flesh of a fellow dryskin but he could accept that side of me.

The signs of its arrival burned brightly but Alex hadn't noticed. Good. Better for him to remain calm for a few moments longer. He didn't notice the shadow on the ground since it was far enough away to look like an eagle's. He didn't notice the faint change in the air.

He only had a dagger and no experience fighting dragons. He probably thought them a mere story. Even people in Skyrim had thought dragons a mere myth until Alduin's return.

The dragon roared and Alex finally took note of it.

"Run, Alex!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Follow the road and you'll find the house! Don't stop running until you're inside!"

Aela would protect him and so would my Housecarl, if he was even there.

At least the dragon had shown itself by Whiterun Tower which meant the farms were far behind us. No woman, man, or child would be harmed if things went wrong.

"What are you doing?" I yelled as Alex struggled to gain control of his horse. "Run!"

The dryskin finally ran and I worried if he would even make it to my house. It didn't look like he could stay on the horse's back unless he was walking slowly. Which wasn't an option at this moment.

"Draw its attention, Eola!" I yelled and pushed the thought of Alex's burning corpse from my mind. "Od Ah Viing!"

As I wanted for Odahviing to heed my summons, I conjured a Seeker and prepared to use Elemental Blast. The hand that didn't hold crackling energy grasped an Ebony Sword enchanted to drain magic from an opponent. Though it probably wouldn't be used in this fight.

My dragon came roaring and the Seeker followed Eola to get a better shot. Sometimes a lesser dragon would fly from Odahviing's mere presence, but we weren't that lucky today. As it flew around the Seeker used its magic to damage it and my dragon attacked with his breath weapon.

The dragon finally landed a few feet from Alex. The horse was terrified and flung the dryskin a few feet away. I yelled as the dragon snapped at Alex but the horse attacked it. The dragon growled and swallowed the horse whole.

I raced towards the dragon as my companions hung back. The Ebony Sword cut into the dragon's scales and it yelled out in annoyance. I took a few potions so its fiery breath wouldn't have as much of an impact.

As it flew back into the sky I healed myself and continued my race towards Alex. Out of the corner of my mind I heard the fight continue behind me but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything but Bran's barks and Alex's safety.

The dryskin was bruised and slightly burnt after the dragon's attack. He looked confused as he didn't know this land like I did. He hadn't felt Skyrim mold itself to him and all the dangers become a song that couldn't be resisted.

"We're by the Whiterun Tower." I said and nearly dragged him up, all the while healing him. "Run! I'll be right beside you!"

Alex and I started to run together as the dragon landed once more. I shoved him out of the way of its breath weapon. He stumbled to get up but we were running quickly after I shot a few Elemental Blasts at my blood brother.

"Dovahkiin!" One of the Whiterun Guards said in awe.

"Protect him!" I growled as I shoved Alex into the safety of the tower. "You know what will happen if you fail!"

"Yes." The guard said and stood at the entrance in a vain attempt to protect the one I cared for.

No. Not cared for. Someone I cared for wouldn't make me lose control of my senses at such a moment. I didn't just care for Alex. I loved him on a level that only Scouts-Many-Marshes had been able to match.

As I made my way from the tower, I began to transform into a werewolf. The dragon had nearly taken the man I loved. Only the power granted by Hircine flowing through my veins could calm me. I heard yelps and knew that one of the many rumors about me had just been confirmed.

My body twisted and convulsed as fur replaced scales. It didn't hurt but I had to battle the blood hungry beast I was now. Just as the dragon landed in front of me, I finished my transformation and howled. The sound conjured two werewolves to fight by my side. They were my brothers as wolves always hunted as a pack.

The Seeker, Eola, Odahviing, and the guards continued to attack while I jumped onto its head. The other two werewolves clawed and bit at the dragon's wings while my teeth pierced its skull. It roared out but to no avail. It was close to death and it knew it.

With one claw jammed into its eyes, it stopped screaming. It stopped breathing.

I jumped down and once my feet found the ground I was once again an Argonian. Bran barked as Alex walked out of the tower and looked at me.

My smile was hidden by the dragon's soul now joining my collection. By the time I had fully absorbed the soul, my face had a stoic expression on it. Alex's, however, looked at me as if Hircine had spoken to him.

"Eola, get a few bones and scales." I said as the Seeker disappeared. "Guards, you can get everything she doesn't claim."

As I turned to walk towards Heljarchen Hall, Alex followed beside me. It felt like the most natural thing to ever happen. As if the Divines themselves had decreed it to be.

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