Thursday, November 7, 2019

At First Love Chapter 20: A Hand to Hold

This is a Real Person Fanfiction. In this fanfiction Iain Glen has never been married.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

I let out a long sigh of relief as the doctor continued to talk. He had said I was free to go and now was merely clarifying what to do once I got home. It turned out that he still didn't know what had caused me to fall down in the hotel but couldn't keep me here any longer. It was hard to keep back a smile as I kept thinking how good it would feel to get out of this bed.

Hospitals were extremely important so that people didn't die. Yet staying in one for any length of time was maddening. I had started to feel like less of a person and that life would always be like this. With the doctor's words I was reassured that my life would extend far beyond this room.

"How soon can we leave?" I asked and did my best to not sound excited.

"As soon as you sign the paper work." The doctor said. "We'll get you out in hopefully thirty minutes. Remember to visit your usual doctor once you get back home."

"I will."
I mentally went over a list of doctors I could see on short notice. Once back home I didn't want to be stuck in another hospital. If there was something truly wrong with me there had to be an outpatient way to treat me. As my eyes drifted over to Emilia I swore to not put her through something like this unless there was no other choice.

"Also, don't do any strenuous activities for awhile." The doctor reminded me.

The doctor wasn't talking about running, he was talking about *******. He wanted to remind me clearly what had most likely caused me to nearly die. I didn't need to be reminded about the event at the hotel, it would always be a source of constant worry. He must know that I would **** again if I wanted to. Though I might deign to do it less fiercely before. At least for now.

"I understand." I replied. "Don't worry, I'm not in the mood to die. I have something to live for."

"Then I'll get the paperwork and get you out of here." The doctor said and then left.

"I've got plane tickets for us." Emilia said the moment he was gone. "We'll be headed home in around six hours. Enough time to leave this **** hole and pack our belongings."

I nodded. As an actor I was more than used to people lying about how long things would take. Whenever I had to get extensive makeup for a role, three hours took as long as ten. I luckily hadn't been in the hospital but regular doctor visits could take longer than expected. That would probably be the case here and thirty minutes could quickly turn into hours.

"You are getting out of here, Iain." Emilia said as I started to change into my usual clothes.

"I know, Emilia." I replied. "It's just I don't know if we'll be out of here in thirty minutes."

"Can't you try to be positive?"

"Once we're out of here in thirty minutes."

Thirty minutes came and went as we waited. Luckily it was just ten minutes later that I stepped outside the hospital. I took a deep breath and smiled at my girlfriend. After falling down it could have been the end of me but my life had gone on. It had felt like the hospital bed was going to be my final resting place but it hadn't been. Instead I would have even more time with the love of my life.

I was about to ask about a cab when Emilia made a phone call. Her voice was on the verge of breaking. She must not be taking getting out of the hospital as a sign of my full recovery. While I thought it was foolish of her, another part of me admired that trait. She was with me through thick and thin. She didn't want to take any chances on me. As long as such thoughts didn't lead to hindering me, I admired Emilia for her caring.

"I'm fine." I said after she hung up.

"Of course you are." Emilia replied.

"And I'll make sure that I am okay every day. You don't need to worry about me."

"I love you, of course I have to worry."

I held her hand and squeezed. After there was nothing to do but wait for the cab. When it came we rode in silence and my girlfriend leaned on me. We both looked out to the scenery around us and steeled ourselves mentally.

"What's the word on Twitter?" I asked after I had taken a quick shower.

"Just the expected rumors." Emilia replied as she finished packing her suitcase. "That you getting sent to the hospital is proof how we're not a good match. Some people deriding me because I'm not going after someone younger."

"We'll get to ******* like we have in the past, this will only be temporary."

"Iain, the one person you don't need to justify your sexual prowess to is me. I believe in you, my love."

"If only rumors didn't delve into such personal matters."

"They shouldn't be so intrusive. They are judging who I should be with by how good in bed you are. It's disgusting."

"Would you leave me if I didn't **** well?"

"If women only dated those who were good in bed, we'd only date other women."
I quickly got dressed and packed up my suitcase. As Emilia was finished with her luggage, she helped me with mine. Both of us felt rushed and knew we couldn't let a minute pass without doing something. This stress was not good for me but it was something that couldn't be helped. Both of us needed to fall asleep in our own bed tonight.

We nearly ran out of the hotel and only barely managed to slow down to check out. Then we waited for a cab that never seemed to come.
* * *
I unlocked the door and looked behind me. Emilia appeared more than tired and let out a loud yawn. Behind her was the driveway where days before a man had washed his car. I shouldn't still be thinking of him but it was hard to push those thoughts away when I was finally back home. Hard to not worry that myself or Emilia could easily be injured by a mere neighbor.

"Go to bed." Emilia said the moment I shut the door behind us. "I'll get everything unpacked."

"The doctor gave me a clean bill of health." I argued. "I'm not helpless."

"I know you're not, but we shouldn't risk it."

"I've been in bed for days, Emilia, I can't stand around doing nothing."

"Please, do it for me."

With those simple words any resistance was gone from me. Of course I would do anything for the woman who meant everything for me. Or course I would put my pride aside so that she was happy. I knew those words were said to manipulate me, but I couldn't resist them. Another reason not to resist them was that I shouldn't try anything moments after returning home.

"Fine." I replied curtly, not willing to give my love a clean victory.

"Good." Emilia said without any sign that my retort had meant anything to her.

I walked up the stairs and got undressed. Every piece of clothing was put in a small pile so she would have an easier time cleaning it up. Maybe I should help her with the laundry we had accumulated, her more than me, over our trip. Doing something so simple wouldn't tire me out and send me to the hospital. Fully nude, I walked to the door but stopped myself. I wasn't going to lay in bed for myself, I would do it for her. If I went downstairs I would disappoint her and I didn't want that.

I pulled back the covers and looked down. This bed was mine and one I had enjoyed for many years. Not only because of sexual encounters but because it was more than comfortable to sleep on. I was sure it wouldn't be ranked one of the most comfortable beds in the world, but it was mine. That is all that mattered.

Yet now it seemed to mock me. It was much different than the hospital bed, yet it had some similarities. I had to lie down and not do anything just like the many days I had been in that cursed building. My bed reminded me of nearly dying and wishing I was dead. The scariest part was that even if I got a new bed, the memories would remain. Hopefully this newfound fear would go away once my life was back to normal.

I tucked myself in and tried to relax. Soon enough Emilia was in the bedroom and putting our things away. Every now and again I had to remind her where things went. But she remembered my place so well that she hardly ever needed to be reminded.

"You're relaxed now, right?" Emilia asked.

"I haven't moved around much since I've been home." I replied.


"I thought you wanted me to rest."

My love had just taken off her shirt and bra. The two pieces of clothing fell to the floor. I could have argued but there wasn't any anger in me. Our gentle lovemaking quickly turned into something fierce.

"That didn't go as planned." Emilia said afterwards.

"Well, we answered the question if we can **** gently." I joked and exited her.

"We should have restrained ourselves better."

"******* is about letting yourself free like you can't anywhere else. Why would you **** gently if that isn't what you want naturally?"

"Something must be wrong, you're sounding like you have more than one brain cell."

"Before I decide to answer that, I'm cleaning up."

I got out of bed and into the bathroom. The hotel bathroom had been too small and the hospital bathroom had even less room than that. It took a few minutes to properly clean up and during that time I could think. I shouldn't have let Emilia **** me as there was my health to consider. I could have died and left my love with a scar that might never heal. She would need someone to turn to and her victim's arms would be the only thing that could calm her.

I had to be strong no matter how much my body abhorred the idea.

Emilia came in after me to wash up a little. I waited until she was done and then we walked downstairs together. It was hard for me to comprehend that I had a loving woman beside me. A woman who would sleep overnight in the hospital to make sure I was okay. A woman that had not run away after all the rumors.
"What do you want to watch?" I asked as we sat down on our couch. "We probably have a lot to catch up with. I could see what movies are on."

"How about the news?" Emilia suggested. "That way we can focus on each other."

"My dear, Emilia, this is what's wrong with your generation. You just don't care about the state of the world anymore."

"This coming from the guy that can't figure out Twitter?"

"This coming from the girl who is on Twitter?"

"Don't knock what if you haven't tried."

"I'm not going to waste my time on such silly things."

"Yeah, like you spend your time on such valuable things."

"You're right, I do spend my time on silly things. So you'll need to go Emilia."

We looked at each other and broke into laughter. The next hour or so we spent making each other laugh to the point we forgot to turn on the television. There didn't seem to be a point of doing so. We ate a light dinner and then my love washed me. It was unnerving to have her be so close and intimate with me yet us not doing anything. Her excuse was that she wanted to make sure that nothing would happen to me. In just a day or two we would both be assured that our lives would go back to normal and we could **** like I was a young man again.

As I dried myself off, something I insisted I do myself, a realization occurred to me. Me feeling uncomfortable wasn't only because I felt like Emilia was treating me like a child, but because I had never let anyone in so close to me before. If I were in her shoes, would I also put my career on hold for her? For my entire life, up until I met her, all of my thoughts revolved around furthering my career. Could I really stop everything if she needed my help? I wanted to say yes but there was a nagging no in the back of my mind.
* * *
"I'm making breakfast." I said with a loud yawn.

"I'm sorry about bathing you last night." Emilia replied and looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"It was my first night back. I'm glad if anything serious happens to me you'll be there."

"I'll be down in a few minutes, I need just a few more minutes of sleep."
Emilia would need to be called down as 'a few more minutes' usually meant a few hours. But I didn't say anything as I walked downstairs and started our meal. While I was making tea I decided to look out of the window to see how the neighborhood looked in the early morning light.

My blood froze as I saw a hooded figure. Due to the weak light and hood, I couldn't tell if it was the man who had been washing his car. Once our eyes met the figure turned away and started walking down the street. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe my fear was getting the better of me. I hoped.

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