Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reproduction (Yeaflon)

Before reproduction of the Yeaflon species is discussed, there must be talk of the different sexes of the species. Yeaflon refer to themselves as 'fluid sex' since they can switch between the three different sexes of the species. While a species like humans or Hork-Bajir would be a 'static sex' as they can't switch between their different sexes except by surgery.

First and Second Sex
These two sexes would be comparable to male and female. They are the only two sexes that can participate in reproduction. A Yeaflon will switch from First to Second Sex depending on the population. The phenomena of this is called 'sex switching'/'sex switches' by the Yeaflon.

Third Sex
This is the only sex that can't reproduce and so a Third Sex's libido is greatly decreased. Although most Third Sexes have varying degrees of libido. It is also the only sex that can't perform 'sex switching'/'sex switches'. There are two possible ways for a Yeaflon to become a Third Sex. The first is from too many 'sex switches'. The other way is for a Yeaflon to be born as a Third Sex. A Yeaflon is born as a Third Sex if there is a big population boom around the time of their conception.

Eggs are laid by one Yeaflon to later be fertilized by another Yeaflon. The egg helps so that if a 'sex switch' happens, the unborn Yeaflon isn't lost. Sometimes if both parents aren't the correct sex to fertilize, another Yeaflon is there to fertilize the egg for them.

It takes five months for an egg to hatch. After the egg hatches, both parents will take equal care of their offspring. Once the offspring reaches adulthood, their parents tend not to be a big part of their life. As Yeaflon society is intimate as is, there is no drastic change once a Yeaflon reaches adulthood.

Yeaflon Table of Contents  

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