Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Natural Weapons/Special Abilities (Yeaflon)

The Yeaflon body is not a perfect killing machine, but it does provide the species with an advantage. Not just their natural weapons, but the special abilities the species has.

Natural Weapons

A Yeaflon's beak is good for stabbing, ripping, and tearing. The only time the Yeaflon now fight with their beak is during hunts for large prey, though it is not a wise idea to let a Yeaflon's beak get too close to you during a fight just in case.

As their hands end in sharp talon-like claws, these are good to use during a fight. While they do use weapons nowadays, they will turn to their hands quickly if they lose a weapon during a fight.

Their feet, aka their talons, tend to be used when they are fighting in the air. That's not to say they won't use them while fighting on the ground. So what appears to be a simple kick can turn into something more deadly very quick.

Special Abilities

Yeerk Sense
Yeaflon are able to sniff out Yeerks. This is one of the reasons that infesting the species is a problem. When a Yeaflon is on a mission to pretend to be another species, they tend to not interfere with any Yeerk invasion going on.

Sensing Disturbances in Z-Space

Z-Space Travel
The Yeaflon once thought this ability was visions. But once they achieved Z-Space travel it was quickly revealed what the ability actually was. This made it so that their way of traveling through Z-Space is highly unique and near impossible for other species to duplicate/use.

Able to Sense Beings in Morph
As the Andalite morphing technology involves Z-Space, Yeaflon are able to sense someone in morph. However, since the morphing technology is so new most Yeaflon aren't able to recognize it.

Beings morphing are the easiest to sense and it is preferred that Yeaflon learn this way. Besides the sense being stronger in that situation, Yeaflon will also catch a glimpse of how they can sense a being in morph once the morph is finished.

A nothlit is near impossible to notice through this sense, with a Yeaflon not usually able to pinpoint the trapped being at first.

Yeaflon Table of Contents 

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