Friday, March 13, 2015

Animorphs Re-Read: Megamorphs #1 The Andalite's Gift (Chapters 1-4)

 Chapter 1
This chapter is narrated by Jake.

And the recap for this book starts. Again, I like this happening every book so that a new reader can easily jump in at any point in the series.

Any one can be a Controller? I know a few people I wish were aliens so that their idiocy would have an excuse.

After the now long recap, at least that's how it seems eight books in, Jake mentions that Rachel is afraid of leaving for the weekend. Who knows what could happen with the Yeerks if she left for only a week?

Everyone, but Ax, is in the barn. Jake mentions Ax having to morph human to go to the barn and him not liking doing that. Which is really a stark contrast to the tv show's version of Ax nearly constantly being in human morph. Come on, Ax has some Andalite pride.
A little recap of Cassie's barn is given.

Cassie reassures Rachel by saying that they have to at least try to be normal. As Rachel and Cassie move a crow's cage, Tobias remarks that crows are punks. I just love him and his hate against certain birds. His Andalite shows at those times.

I disagree with Jake about how in Tobias' soul he's still a boy. Tobias has had to adapt and that's not something he'll stay the same during. And, yes, this is said during the recap about Tobias.

Cassie promises Tobias that she'll release the crow very far from his territory.

Marco jokes that Rachel is scared because she doesn't believe they can survive two days without her. He jokes while using his nickname for her: Xena Warrior Princess.

I ship Marco/Rachel so when he makes the leather outfit joke I'm imagining he's really wanting to do Rachel. But Rachel isn't in love with Marco in canon, but does like Tobias in canon. And it appears as if Rachel/Tobias isn't official to all of the group. Cassie thinks that Rachel and Tobias are a couple, plus she thinks that it's cute. Jake thinks it's sad because of Tobias' situation. I'm siding with Cassie on this ship.
Jake says that they all need to spend a few days being normal. It then turns out that the rest of the group, minus Ax and Rachel and Tobias, have been invited to a party held by a girl that hasn't invited Marco because of something.
Cassie asks for Marco to help her, but he makes an excuse not to. Jake goes to help her instead.

As Jake helps her, she says that it's strange that Rachel going away for a few days should even be a discussion. He says it's because their whole perception of normal has changed. He notices something wrong with the girl who he totally doesn't have a crush on.

Cassie says that she's been having bad dreams. She says that in her nightmares she has to decide who lives and dies. In her first book (#4 The Message) her having to make decisions for the group was a big plot point. So it doesn't surprise me that it appears again here.

Jake tries to comfort her and is sort of successful.

Chapter 2
This chapter is narrated by Rachel.

Rachel gives her own recap of the series up to this point. She focuses on family relations and makes a point of saying how both Cassie and Jake have both parents. A nod to how she was feeling last book with having to not move with her father?

She ends her recap by focusing on morphing. She, again, points out how Tobias is trapped in morph.

Rachel is walking to the school to get to the bus that will take her to gymnastics camp. She arrived an hour early so she has time to kill. She then mentions that she meant to talk to Tobias before she left. Isn't it so cute what's she's doing for her boyfriend?
Yeah, I don't think they're officially a couple yet, but they're a couple to me now.

Rachel mentions that finding him isn't an easy thing to do. And finding him during his morning hunts is even harder.

She points out how going off to find Tobias wasn't the brightest of ideas. Friends and family thought that she was going to be one place while the camp people thought she would be in another. Nothing can go wrong with a simple flight, right?

Rachel, not thinking about the consequences like usual, morphs a Bald eagle so she could find Tobias.

I just adore the descriptions of flying. I have always wanted to fly with my own two wings, but the Animorphs series is a good second.
As Rachel flies we get our introduction to Ax. She watches him run on the ground and she gives a recap about him. When she dives down to go say hi to him, she notices a nest of baby birds. As she's thinking how cute they are, she gets attacked.

She realizes too late that the parents of the baby birds thought that she was attacking the nest. So she changes direction and ends up flying headfirst into a tree. As she crashes, her last thoughts are to demorph before she blacks out.

Chapter 3
This chapter is narrated by Marco.

Marco gives one amusing intro. He complains that he wasn't invited to the party and then stereotypes his fellow Animorphs. My favorite is him just describing Tobias as 'a bird'. He's not an ordinary bird, Marco, he's your love bird! I mean...
Marco mentions that he thinks Darlene doesn't think he's cute.

Marco is telling Ax about not being invited and Ax is confused why he would want to go somewhere he isn't wanted. Ax, don't we all.

Marco gives the explanation that he thinks Darlene doesn't want him to come because she's really attracted to him. Ax wonders if that is common human behavior. Marco's explanation of 'like' confuses Ax even more.

"Not like. Like. I like you, Ax. But I don't like you. There's like, and then there's like, like."
Marco reassures his friend that he doesn't have to understand, he just needs to go with him. Marco wants to hear what Darlene and her friends will say about him. Ax is then concerned about Jake being at the party.

After more explanation from Marco, Ax says that the idea sounds dishonorable. As Tobias joins the duo, he agrees with Ax's assessment. It turns out Tobias is carrying a live mouse and Marco asks for him to drop it down.

Tobias says Marco is wrong for doing this and tells Ax to not let Marco jerk him around. Ax then explains that parts of his body are itching, since I'm totally mature you know where I'm imagining the itching, and that Marco has promised a 'rare medicine' to help him. Tobias then starts to get pissed off when he realizes Marco is blackmailing Ax with flea powder.
Marco then says he'll give Ax the flea powder and for Tobias to get off his back. Tobias then drops the mouse and Marco catches it. He acquires it instantly and hands the mouse over to Ax to do the same. 

Tobias tells Marco that Jake won't like him morphing for personal reasons. Marco then complains about him not being invited as some sort of injustice. Tobias then tells the story about Marco putting a Baby Ruth into the pool and pretending it was a piece of shit. Birdboy then says that that's probably the reason Marco hasn't been invited. Marco then complains and says he was only six, but Tobias says Marco was ten.

You two!
Tobias reminds Marco that other predators will be after him and Ax. Marco jokes about Tobias knowing that because of Tobias being stuck in the form of a hawk. Tobias then points out that even predators can get attacked. He uses the example that of a Bald eagle getting attacked by jays and slamming in-oh my god! He's talking about Rachel and he doesn't even know it!
Marco then reassures Tobias by saying that there won't be any eagles at the party. The chapter ends with a humorous quote by Tobias. 

Chapter 4
This chapter is narrated by Jake.

The chapter begins with Jake feeling guilty about Marco not being invited. That his best friend had matured. Well...he admits that Marco might not have fully matured. I would say that the boy blackmailing an alien with flea powder might not be that mature. Cassie reassures him by saying that they were supposed to be doing normal stuff this weekend.

Cassie and Jake are at the pool party. Jake thinks that Darlene's family has a decent amount of money due to the size of the pool.

Jake comments how odd it is for things to not be all about life and death. Then a scream can be heard. For fuck's sake, Jake!
He quickly realizes that only a few people are running. He asks what the problem is and the answer ends up being mice. He watches as a pair of harmless mice chase after Darlene.

I love the description:
Then I spotted them: two tiny, harmless little mice. Two little mice, chasing Darlene like a pair of lions trying to bring down a buffalo.

When Hans tries to stomp the mice, Marco and Ax dodge the attack which makes Jake realize what is really going on. Cassie also realizes. Jake says that he's going to kill his best friend right after he saves him.

Jake and Cassie then try to save Ax and Marco. They try to direct their morphed friends to Cassie and Jake comments, under his breath, that if they come towards him that he will kill them. When Marco replies that he heard that, Jake is glad that he can't use thought-speak or he would've said some bad words.

I just love it. The fact that bloody battle scenes, genocide, ect. can be talked about and shown but children can't handle cursing!
Jake describes the hectic scene. People running away and others running after the mice. He thinks that Marco isn't done chasing Darlene as he continues to chase the girl inside. Ax is, of course, right behind him.

Marco informs Jake that him and Ax are demorphing in the basement and to make sure no one comes down. This doesn't calm Jake down.

Jake gets involved in a huge pile while running to guard the door where Marco and Ax went in. He gets involved in a pile up which saves him from a tornado creature. 
Animorphs Re-Read

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