Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sayings Sundays (July 20, 2014)

I have gotten into a new series that airs on HBO. This series didn't start revving up until the third episode which starred Christopher Eccleston in the main role of the episode. My Whovian readers should recognize him from his role as the 9th Doctor on Doctor Who.

The whole series, to me at least, focuses on how people react to an insane situation and so the characters come first. In the Pilot episode people were randomly taken away because...well, we don't know that right now. And, really, I'd be happy never knowing. I'd love it if it was just a random event and there was no explanation.

Eccleston's character, Matt Jamison, is looking up information about everyone who was taken. He is trying to show others that the people taken weren't all good people. So I chose a quote relating to that today. In it Matt explains why he is doing what he's doing even though people sometimes get physically violent to him because of it.

I've listened to "Taken by the Sea" numerous times and have come to the conclusion that it's my anthem for Marco/Tobias (non-canon ship from the Animorphs series by K.A.Applegate). I don't know if there's any ship I've had that I've come to the conclusion of their theme so easily.

I see this song as Post-War and being sung by Tobias. He's at the point where he's afraid to love again and yet he finds himself growing more in love with Marco with each passing moment. Those who have been following this blog know that I have a headcanon of him and Marco not seeing each other for awhile because of this fear (from both boys).

I would have had both characters in this graphic, but I don't have the ability to take things from two pictures and put them together at the moment.

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