Friday, July 4, 2014

Inbetween: The Works of Crayak 6

“Really?” I asked and sighed.

After we had drank and rested, we had started talking about how to get into the church. The conversation hadn’t been as successful as I would’ve liked. Two former Princes and we couldn’t figure things out together. I had to stop myself from drinking another beer. I had to concentrate on the mission. Once Esplin was taken care of then I could get drunk.

My worst enemy wouldn’t be a problem again and I’d be free to get drunk every night.

“You haven’t liked any of my ideas. You haven’t even liked your own ideas.” Ryan complained.

“I guess...combine b, d, and f.” I said.

“You lead the war against the Yeerk Invasion of Earth?” Ryan asked and shook his head. “But you’ve never said what to do if the option to kill him arises.”

“That’s because that’s a last resort. We don’t kill him. We capture him.”

“And let him escape again?”

“That won’t happen.” I said, mainly trying to convince myself.

We would capture Esplin and he wouldn’t escape imprisonment this time. This time it would be successful and there would be no chance of him escaping again. If he somehow managed to escape a second time...I would kill him.

“You really trust he won’t use the same methods to escape?” Ryan asked.

“He can’t use the same methods, the Andalites will be looking for them.” I tried to reassure Ryan. “Let’s just worry about getting into the church first.”

Ryan nodded and I thought about the plans I had suggested. They were simple but effective. Or at least I hoped they were effective. I would’ve suggested morphing some type of insect but Ryan was a nothlit. Sort of sucked when both parties couldn’t morph.

Not that Ryan was not useful in human morph, but a human didn’t have the same capabilities as other animals. A fly or cockroach could infiltrate the church while a tiger could be a very good battle morph. I could do those but Ryan couldn’t. So we couldn’t go in as covertly as I wanted to.

“Well, do you have anything else to say before we go?” I asked Ryan.

Ryan was quiet for a few minutes before he asked, “Was it easy for you to give up your power after the war?”

I had to think about that one to get a good answer, but I was running short on time. I couldn’t wait a few hours until I thought of something resembling an intelligent remark.

“I have had enough power.” I replied quickly. “After the war it was more than easy. We’ve talked over beer, Ryan, you know that I don’t want to lead. I don’t even want to fight like I used to. That’s why I joined the FBI. I could still help people but I wouldn’t be fighting a war.”

“So you never stopped being the leader throughout the war?” Ryan asked.

“I-“ I said and stopped, gathering myself to answer the question. “Near the end I stopped. Things got too hard. You ran away to another planet and I’m not sure if I wouldn’t have done the same. Everything got so complicated and all the things I had to do…I never had a childhood. I’m seventeen years old and in the FBI. I’m mature for my age and yet I feel like part of me will always be lost. I’m not like an Andalite, I wasn’t raised to fight or lead. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

We were both silent for a minute or two after that. I had just told him something I had tried to keep hidden for the most part. In the book I had written, the part about me leaving the war was glanced over. The image of me being a hero hadn’t been tainted by that incident.

I wouldn’t have told Ryan this if we hadn’t talked over a couple of bottles of beer. We had bonded, but we were still far apart in some areas.

“Okay, let’s go.” I said, avoiding any awkward feelings for the moment.

We quickly finished getting prepared, which consisted of going to the bathroom and checking our guns, and then left. I drove again and Ryan sat in the passenger seat.

“Nervous?” I asked as I noticed Ryan twitching a little more than before.

“No.” Ryan replied. “I just can’t wait until this mission is over with.”

“Me either.” I agreed.

I was still curious why he was twitching. But, hey, it could be that he just wanted this mission over with so that he could get away from me. Getting away from me would mean he wouldn’t have to argue with me about killing Esplin.

He might also be twitching because Andalites and pride are usually one in the same. He might find it dishonorable to let Esplin live. I trusted him enough to not break off from the plan and distrusted him enough to use any small opportunity to kill Esplin.

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