Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Beginnings and Second Chances 3

Marco’s laughter had seemed to go on for hours. I was even nervous that I would have to demorph soon before anything could be resolved. The whole morphing process was too exhausting to morph, demorph, and morph again quickly. Only an Estreen, like Cassie, could do that. I didn’t want to get stuck mid-morph and not be able to function.

I didn’t want to imagine how a half-hawk half-human body would function or even if it could.

I checked a nearby clock for the fifth time and saw only eight minutes had passed. It was still an impressive amount of time to laugh non-stop, though.

“To...Tob...Tobias, you acquired Mark Ruffalo?” Marco said as he seemed to calm down finally.

“No,” I replied and found Ruffalo’s voice to be a good yet odd match to my own. “I acquired a bunch of people and it just happened that the morph turned out to be Mark Ruffalo.”

I saw Marco struggle not to burst out into laughter again as he replied, “But the coincidence. Shit like that doesn’t just happen on accident.”

“Sometimes it does, Marco.” I said and sighed.

I suddenly noticed that when Marco had been talking to and laughing at me that he hadn’t been looking directly into my eyes. Maybe he’d glance at them but mostly his eyes looked everywhere but my eyes. A smile started to form on my face and then I pushed it away.

I needed to stay concentrated on the moment and not what I hoped would happen.

“You know Ruffalo.” Marco said slowly.

“I do too.” I told him. “He’s not exactly an unattractive man.”

“But what does he think about you morphing him? Or did you even tell him yet?”

“I talked with him. It was really embarrassing morphing him the first time. I didn’t want him to think I was some stalker. I can turn into any animal so thinking you have a stalker like that is just frightening.”

“And he agreed? Mark Ruffalo agreed to let you morph him?”

“Yeah. I promised to always alert him if I was going to morph him in public and to help alert him to anyone purposefully confusing the two of us.”

“You two didn’t discuss morphing in private?” Marco asked as his eyes stayed focused on my hair.

“Well he sort of figured that I’d want an adult form to do stuff like drink and have sex.” I said and grinned as I saw him blush. “It’s really awkward doing stuff like sex with the body of a thirteen year old to say the least.”

“But it never seemed to bother you before.” He said and I swear there was a touch of sadness in his voice.

“Hey, it’s not like I won’t ever morph into myself from time to time.” I said and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Marco then looked into my eyes and got lost in them. I could see why he had been hesitant before as the look he was giving me now was very sexually charged, to say the least. I figured now was as good of time as any to ask him.

“You sure you’re not into guys?” I asked.

“What?” Marco said as he realized that he had been staring for too long. “No. No. Totally a ladies man.”

“Sure?” I asked and purposefully ran a hand through my hair.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” But, as he replied, the words seemed to have trouble coming out of his mouth.

“Listen, I’m not asking for a commitment here. Just maybe a night or two and then we can go to other sex partners.”

“I told you I’m not-“

“Marco, you just got lost in my eyes and before that you were checking me out. You can say you’re not gay or that you don’t like guys all you want, but I know you’re lying. It hurts.”

“And it doesn’t hurt you that all your interactions with me lately have been involving sex?”

“Because losing your girlfriend and having no one to turn to is so easy to deal with. At least your parents are together. My mom doesn’t remember my dad. Hell, it sometimes feels like she has nothing but loathing for him because of the responsibility I was given.”

“So all you’re going to do is fuck me for stability?”

“If I say I love you, how will that matter if you don’t want sex with me? I need sex in a relationship. How can I think of going further with you if you’re not going to admit anything?”

After that outburst we just looked at each other. I both hated and loved Marco at that moment. I loathed him for making me feel guilty and for not admitting what he felt sexually. It was wrong for me to just have sex with him as a crutch, but he could at least admit he liked it.

I loved Marco too because I couldn’t hate him, at least not fully. I could never hate him so much that I would never have feelings for him.

It seemed that we would look at each other for years and that we wouldn’t stop looking at each other until we died. Would he ever decide yes or would it be a no?

Then Marco finally made his move. One of his hands tightly gripped my hair and his lips met mine. I kissed him back fiercely and put a hand on the back of his neck while my other hand went to undo his pants.

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