Sunday, September 22, 2013

Animorphs Re-Read: #1 The Invasion (Chapters 21-24)

Chapter 21

So writers don't enjoy tv shows? I write and I enjoy tv shows. At the time of first reading this book I wasn't big into tv shows and preferred reading book. Well, at least, we know what Jake's mother does for a living.

The family dinner conversation starts out nice and then I feel it tenses up when Jake talks to Tom.

Jake manages to relate eating broccoli to eating a spider. If I ever meet him (most likely through a dream or hallucination) I'm going to ask about if he wants to eat a spider with me. Or something relating to him eating a spider.

Jake continues to ask Tom what he's doing tonight and his Dad says it's a girl. But Jake knows the truth and also knows he can't tell his parents. So Jake's Dad is a doctor?

Jake says that Tom is afraid of him beating him in basketball. Tom angrily agrees with him. Jake thinks about how hard it is to spot a Controller.

When Tom leaves, Jake goes up to his room and calls Marco, Rachel, Cassie, and Tobias. But when he goes to call Cassie he gets her Mom. The plot thickens!

Jake arrives at the school and hopes Cassie is there. He sees Rachel and Marco. Tobias is already in morph and this makes Jake very mad. There's the two hour limit and the fact Jake doesn't know how long this mission will last. This supports my head canon about what happens to Tobias at the end of this book.

Rachel suggests they wait until they know what happened to Cassie. Marco says that it's possible that Cassie got scared and decided not to come. Jake doesn't think she did, but has heard it says you don't know how someone will react to their first battle. I don't like that Marco said Cassie ran, but I can see that he's trying to unnerve Jake not to fight. Because Marco, himself, doesn't want to fight.

Jake's is afraid and so she can see why the love of his life decided not to come.

Tobias lands on Rachel's shoulder, she doesn't mind, and they rub their heads against each other. AW! Just so damn cute, you two!

Tobias asks if they're going to start the mission soon and Jake is worried. Cassie is missing and Tobias is already in morph. They manage to sneak into the school and see Controllers entering the Yeerk pool.

Rachel suggests that they pretend to be Controllers on the off chance that not every Controller knows each other. Marco says it's a very dumb idea but Jake says to try it. Marco points out that Tom would know Jake wasn't a Controller. Jake says he thinks Tom is already down in the Yeerk pool.

Jake sees a policeman with a girl. Tobias reports that the girl is Cassie. Jake breaks down verbally and says that the Controllers have Cassie.

Chapter 22

Rachel asks for clarification and then curses. Again, because this is a Young Adult series there isn't any cursing allowed. A lot of violence, but lord help us if one of the characters says fuck.

Jake says to carry on with the original plan even though Cassie has been captured. Marco doesn't like the idea but agrees to go along with it anyways. They are all nervous as they start to walk to the entrance of the Yeerk pool.

When Jake opens the secret door he notices there is more noise than earlier that day. He thinks this might be an illusion because he's now human. Marco makes a remark that it sounds like they're going into the depths of Hell. And, really, aren't they?

They go through the Yeerk pool entrance together. Marco makes a joke about all the steps needed to get down to the Yeerk pool. And he does have a point. This superior race of beings is still stuck on the steps stage.

The Yeerk pool is described as being extremely huge and shaped like a bowl that has been turned upside down. As I have just finished reading Under the Dome (by Stephen King) I would like to make a joke referencing that book but can't think of a good one. Feel free to make your own in the comments section.

The Animorphs realize that the Yeerk pool isn't just under their school, but under half the town too. That there are more entrances than the one they used. Marco nearly pisses his pants at the realization. Jake starts to feel like it's hopeless to go up against the Yeerks as to build the Yeerk pool, the invading aliens had to have power much greater than any human had. Much less human teenagers.

Jake sees the actual Yeerk pool. The water's movements resemble melted lead and has the same color. He also sees Yeerks in their natural state.

The Yeerks' hosts are kept in cages. People of all ages and sexes are kept in the cages. Hork-Bajirs are kept in separate cages. Every one of them is full of despair and you can tell they have given up all hope.

Jake sees Cassie and wants to morph and save her. Luckily the other Animorphs are able to dissuade him from this idea.

The Animorphs see the sight of a Yeerk leaving its host and entering the Yeerk pool. The woman starts screaming for help once the Yeerk leaves her. I can imagine that this gives the Animorphs major incentive to carry on with their mission.

Chapter 23

Jake mentions what the woman had been yelling out was the same basic thing that everyone had been yelling. But they hadn't had a face to put the words too until that woman. I can understand that it's really not until you have personal experience with an emotion that you fully comprehend it.

There is a second pier that Jake calls the loading station (though he later calls it the infestation station). Such a normal, unassuming title that you forgot for a second that it's where the Yeerks go back into their hosts. Where people try to resist before becoming slaves of the Yeerks again.

There is another area where hosts wait in comfort to become infested again. Humans and Hork-Bajir drink and watch tv. These people are even laughing. Tobias explains that those are voluntary hosts, aka Collaborators, who allow the Yeerks to use them as hosts.

Rachel doesn't believe any person would agree to that and Marco replies that some people are just scum.

Tobias brings up the point that The Sharing lures people in with promises of a better life. A way to escape their pain. Marco then points out Tobias is doing the same thing with his hawk morph. Tobias then flies away and Jake yells after him.

Marco has a point and I wonder if he brought up his last point because he cared. It might've been born from anger, but meant to bring bird-boy back to reality.

Rachel tells Marco not to be a jerk to Tobias as the group needs everyone.

Tobias returns and says that Cassie is being taken to the infestation pier. As you can guess, there will be a way in which Cassie doesn't become a Controller. I would say the reason is because she's one of the main cast and so can't be made into one. However, later on in the series an Animorph does become a Controller for a little bit. So I would say the reason you know she isn't going to become a Controller is that this is only the first book.

Jake asks Tobias if he saw Tom and if he is a voluntary host. Tobias says that Tom is in a cage and this makes Jake happy. He knew his brother wouldn't bow down to the Yeerks.

Tobias says that Cassie is getting close and that they need to act now. Marco takes a few seconds to tell Jake that he is okay with dying, but he doesn't want to become a Controller. So if Jake has to, Marco gives the okay to kill him if the Yeerks try to infest him. That is hard core! Marco, you are a joker but you know when to make your stand. The stands that really matter.

Before Jake can reassure Marco, some Controllers notice them. Jake gets too nervous to morph, but luckily Rachel has kept her calm. She is morphing something very large.

Chapter 24

Rachel morphs into an elephant and is very pleased with herself. Jake is also happy that Rachel morphed. The Taxxon Controller notices her first and the Hork-Bajir Controller attempts to attack her. But the Hork-Bajir did too little, too late. Turns out Taxxons have yellow blood.

The human Controller just says 'Elephant' in questioning manner and Rachel replies that she's an elephant. It's only Rachel's first battle and you can get a sense that she'll become very bloodthirsty, or at least have problems with that part of her personality.

The man screams and Rachel just tosses him aside.

Jake orders Marco to morph and the joker says to be reminded never to make Rachel mad.

As Jake starts to morph he starts considering what the tiger will think of him morphing into it. I find this strange as I wouldn't think Jake would consider a tiger's feelings something to worry about. How Jake describes morphing into a tiger is much different than when he morphed into Homer and the lizard. Morphing into a tiger is cool.

Jake is now fearless and roars at the Hork-Bajir who then freezes up for a few seconds.
Animorphs Re-Read Table of Contents

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