Friday, December 2, 2011

Lack of Zombies in The Walking Dead (Season 2)

A common complaint for Season 2 of the tv series The Walking Dead (on AMC) is that there isn't enough zombies. That the show is focusing too much on the human characters. They say there is too much drama and that it's becoming a soap opera.

I can understand that since Season 2 is much slower than Season 1 (at least so far) people don't like it as much. However, I think that the show is right to focus on the survivors since the show is about them. It just happens to have zombies thrown in.

Yes, it's a zombie survival show so there needs to be zombies. And guess what? They have had zombies in Season 2. Heck, they even managed to humanize them (this done especially well in Sophia). It's just that every episode in Season 2 doesn't focus heavily on them.

What I liked about Season 1 was that there was such a heavy emphasis on the human characters. So I like that with Season 2 (so far) that there is even more of that. While the first part of Season 2 was slow: it had a huge payoff. I don't think if there wasn't so much buildup to the mid-season finale it would've have been as good.

Before I end this, I must say: I do want the action to pick up. I don't mind a slow placing as long as there is a good/big payoff. That's why I love 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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