Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Green: Captured 2

I looked down as the Police Chief looked at me. My hands were starting to feel uncomfortable in the handcuffs and the two police officers weren't helping matters either.

"Tell me again how this happened." The Police Chief said.

"Thomas and I were going out exploring. He didn't tell me where we were going." I replied. "Then he ate some green algae and went all crazy. I was only defending myself."

"You are aware that algae only grows in water?" He asked.

"Yes, but that's what it looked like. Whatever it is, it still drove Thomas crazy and made him think I was his dad. Won't you at least look at the substance?"

The Police chief didn't look interested in what I had said. "I'll send some people to confirm what you have said."

"Thank you." I said. I was then escorted to my cell and just sat on the bed. I had been interrogated a lot in the last few hours. Suddenly I saw a young woman in a white dress. But she must've been a hallucination because she seemed like smoke and unlike a normal person. Shaking my head I decided to go to sleep for a little while.

A few hours later I was brought to the Police Chief again. "You said your name is Matthias?"

"Yes, it is." I answered.

"You supplied no last name, birth date, social security number, or parents. Are you playing with us or do you have amnesia?"

I tried to say that the only place other than Nuscon, Arizona I remembered living in was the laboratory. My head started to hurt and made me want to cry out. "Yes." I replied.

The Police Chief must have realized my pause. "We'll have to have someone check you out."

Within the next few days doctors and others were crowding around me. They were making double sure I wasn't lying. I was being brought back to my cell when I turned and saw a familiar face. I had only seen it once but it was familiar nonetheless. I stopped completely, with my guards trying to force me to leave, and had it sink in that Philips Noir was indeed here.

"Philips!" I yelled to him.

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