Sunday, August 11, 2024

When Darkness Comes Chapter 7: Thirst of the Wolf

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

We laughed while eating the feast before us. Aela had decided to hunt after we had arrived. While I preferred hunting my own deer, she had insisted I relax. Besides venison steaks and venison stew, there was potato bread. Though not one of the more luxurious items in Skyrim, it was a favorite of mine.

Aela was beside me while Eola sat by Alex on the other side of the table. It was good that there were quiet moments like this. Moments where we could just be. Moments where I could just look at Alex and not worry about the future.

"I would say Gregor would be insulted by that statement." I chuckled. "But as he isn't here to defend himself..."

"When is he ever here to defend himself?" Aela replied with a smirk.

"If he is your housecarl why doesn't he live here?" Alex asked.

"I built this house myself and upon purchasing the land, there wasn't anywhere for him to sleep." I replied. "I guess he got used to merely visiting here now and again."

"And Kys doesn't tend to visit this property." Eola added. "If he did then Gregor would be here constantly. He worships the ground Kys walks on. More so than even I do."

Eola was right about the utter devotion Gregor had for me. It was scary at times but always reassuring at the same time. I couldn't explain it. All I knew for certain was that whenever I arrived at Heljarchen Hall, there was a sadness in my soul when he wasn't waiting for me.

Maybe I should come here more often.

"Eola, let's get dessert for the Harbinger." Aela said and got up.

I watched as Eola followed Aela into the kitchen and shut the door. It was fairly obvious what they were going to do. At least the goal of their vague actions was clear to both myself and Alex. I could tell he understood the subtext by the dismissive way he looked at the two women.

"You were right, Kys." Alex said once the kitchen doors closed as if he wanted to distract me from my baser desires.

"I usually am." I replied and gave the dryskin my full attention.

He grinned briefly at the joke and I wished it had lasted longer. I liked seeing him happy and alive. No one could ever replace Scouts-Many-Marshes in my heart, but this dryskin might be able to heal what was left of me.

"Reality is complicated." Alex continued. "That dragon attack felt real. I could feel my skin burning. I could feel the impact of crashing to the ground. I could feel utterly terrified. And you risked your life for me. You believe in...whatever this is and you can die. Yet you risked your life for me."

"So you're saying in your eyes that I'm real?" I asked with barely contained excitement in my voice.

"I think you, I, and this place is real. Somehow when getting possessed the Dark Presence sent me to...Skyrim."

Alex was a friend. The bond we had started while fighting the dark entities had been solidified in the dragon attack. This fragile thing we had would break when he returned home. Yet, in this moment, that didn't matter. Maybe true love would never last for me again, but at least I could catch glances in his gaze.

As the kitchen doors opened I looked at what my two friends had decided to do for me. Eola most certainly told Aela how I was pining for a man that could never be mine. So they would both be putting on a show for me to keep my sanity in tack.

Why did I feel guilty then?

Aela was wearing her traveling clothes which consisted of a near fully complete set of Dark Seducer Armor and an enchanted circlet. She was protected and also a sight to drink in whenever the nights got too cold. Or the blood got too warm.

Her arm was snaked around Eola's waist as if presenting prey to me. Both of my companions had their **** shown in the best possible light with carnal lust in their eyes. In their very being they smelled hungry to be devoured by me.

I knew there was no way to avoid the lust now coursing through my veins. Alex was what I desired the most but pushing him too far too fast would ruin everything. ******* two stunning women would make things rougher, but there would be enough to rebuild.

And, besides that, why waste my emotions on a man who would just be leaving my life soon?

"I'm not going to blame you for going with them." Alex joked but his eyes told a different story.

I nodded at him, pretending not to read his eyes, and the two women parted so that I was in the middle.

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