Friday, August 30, 2024

The Predator (Mini-Review)

The Predator by Chris Grine is an adaptation of the fourth Animorphs book by K.A.Applegate. In a few days it will be the anniversary of Marco's mother's death. Though in a few days Marco might be dead while helping the other Animorphs get Ax back to the Andalite homeworld. How many risks can Marco take before he ends up leaving his dad without anyone?

I tend to have Mini-Reviews be spoiler free. But as this is an adaptation, I am not going to hold onto that rule like usual. So if you don't want spoilers for the graphic novel adaptation or the original book, I suggest you read those first before continuing.

I know I am too attached to the original books. So I take that into account when writing these reviews. However, there is one part of this book that both deviates from the original while also making no sense in the adaptation. It ends up permeating every other part and I found that my experience turned sour after getting through it. This adaptation is of a book focused around Marco's Point of View (POV) but I can understand showing something that he could never have seen/known about in the original. The Hunger Games movies were great at doing that.

In this book, though, Grine turned from Marco's POV to show Rachel's POV where she recounts her hectic life to Tobias. Rachias (Rachel/Tobias) is my favorite ship of the series but I loathe this part. At first I thought that the conversation was between Marco and Tobias to get around the fact the graphic novel can't be told in First Person POV like the books. I found it odd but was giving the book the benefit of the doubt. I shouldn't have. Then I realized the conversation was between Rachel and Tobias which just...I was not happy. Instead of this change adding to Marco's story, Rachel takes over. It just feels like Grine hates Marco and was doing everything in his power to get away from the character.

If that part were to be kept without changing much, it should have been changed to Marco and his dad having a normal conversation while the panels showed the mission. This would help show that Marco is still just a kid and also add more moments with his dad. Since those scenes are severally lacking.

I would suggest The Predator by Chris Grine to those who love science fiction. I would also suggest The Predator by Chris Grine to fans of the original Animorphs books.

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