Friday, July 26, 2024

When Darkness Comes Chapter 4: Meat

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

The sun had just risen over the horizon as I walked to the river beside my Tundra Homestead. There was a portion that drifted away from the rest and was perfect to bathe in. Yes, the stink of the city was still in it. But it was calming to me nonetheless.

I took my clothing off after making sure no one was walking down. There were a few children that would race down by my home every now and again. Luckily their parents usually reigned them in when I stayed here. Whether that was due to them fearing or respecting me didn't matter. What mattered was they gave me my privacy.

My reflection looked back at me and I wondered how Alex saw me. His home was far from Nirn and my appearance might be off putting to him. It was as if most of Tamriel thought of my kind as nothing but cheap labor and thieves.

But how would someone not affected by such racism view me?

I wanted to get all of my doubts dealt with but he was sleeping from the fight last night and whatever had caused him to arrive in Skyrim.

I ran a hand through my head feathers and looked at my bloody appearance. Would Alex find my deadliness inviting or repellent?

As I wadded into the water I realized one terrifying fact: I couldn't allow myself any fantasies where Alex and myself found love in each other. He could never feel me deep inside. I could never feel myself lose all control under his touch.

He would be leaving soon enough to fight his own battles. Wooing him would be pointless and painful.

That didn't mean my sexual desire for him would lessen over time. But with no real foundation the pain would eventually fade. Unlike the various memories of Scouts-Many-Marshes. Memories that ******* relieved temporarily.

I started to roll around in the river before reaching for the soap on the small island. It felt good to get rid of the dirt and grime. Clean scales always made me feel better. Not as good as blood soaked scales, though.

"Don't worry, Bran is watching the stranger." Eola said as she came into view.

The temptress knew me nearly as well as Scouts had. But she would never match the kindness in his heart or the way he could always push me back from the edge. Eola wanted me to learn to know only depravity and leave this civilized side far behind. She found it to be a lie.

I didn't know if it was at times.

"I haven't seen you care about someone like him for awhile." Eola continued.

"I rescued him and am now giving him a place to stay." I argued. "Then I'm going to take him back to where he belongs. Look at him, he doesn't belong in this world."

"Then why do you look at him as more than a burden?"

"Because people aren't burdens."

"To you some are."

Eola began undressing before joining me. She knew just what I needed. What would keep me from fading away forever.

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