Monday, July 15, 2024

When Darkness Comes Chapter 2: Darkness Returns

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

Eola ran her hand through my head feathers once both our bodies had quieted from making love.

"If you do marry the High Queen, I highly doubt she will allow me into your bed." Eola teased.

"I don't want to marry someone that will restrain me so." I chuckled. "I will not give up my freedom for power I already have."

As we kissed Bran barked. Unfortunately my Tundra Homestead didn't have a steward or Housecarl. Which meant I would have to leave such a sweet source of warmth.

I turned and looked at the offending armored husky with a smirk.

"Don't keep me waiting too long." Eola teased.

"I wouldn't think of letting such a delicious snack get away." I said and finished putting on a thick cloak. "Don't you dare go to sleep, my love."

After getting a torch, I decided to take a bottle of spiced wine with me. The beverage would keep me warm and I didn't want to freeze just to let a dog pee. Or...spend an hour running around while getting utterly distracted on what he was meant to be doing.

The moment I opened the door Bran raced out. I closed the door with my tail and proceeded to follow him. I glanced at Whiterun and decided to stay in Breezehome the following night so my lovemaking wouldn't have to be interrupted. The images of my family were easier to ignore when *******.

I sipped my wine and watched dimly as Bran raced further away from my home and the city. It was clear that my pet had forgotten why he was out so late. He must feel so cooped up in the homestead. In another hour I would call him back in as my cold blood could only hold up for so long.

My head turned to a strange sound. It sounded like rocks exploding but much more silent than a dragon could ever hope to be. My eyes then locked in on the sight of a dryskin holding a strange light that made black mist come off of dark entities before killing them with an unusual piece of metal. The unusual metal was the source of the sound. It expelled something that must be deadly. I didn't understand anything but my family's murderers had returned.

The dark entities were back. While I didn't know the dryskin, he was a victim and needed to be saved. Else this evil would think it could continue its reign on Nirn. I also needed to prove that this thing wasn't unstoppable. That I could have saved my family if information had been given to me.

"Bran, go back." I growled and the husky replied with a whine of his own. "I don't know if I can defeat those enemies. If I am not there to defend Eola, I need you to be."

I watched as he ran back to the house. Part of me, the cowardly part, wanted to race back with him to lay with a woman I loved one last time. But I couldn't face Hircine again if I failed in such an important hunt.

This darkness loathed light so I used my Candlelight spell while having Magelight ready for close combat. Finally, I focused on Scouts' face as I conjured a Bound Bow of Light.

Whoever this dryskin was, I would save him from the dark entities. Or die trying.

All hail Hircine!

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