Monday, July 1, 2024

When Darkness Comes Chapter 1: A Haunted Hart

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

I closed my eyes. I didn't focus on how my head feathers twisted and turned in the wind. I didn't focus on the cold on the wind and soil. I didn't focus on the deathly cold in my soul. Instead I focused on the fading light in my heart. A light that had begun bright enough to vanquish the Void but had dimmed to the point of near uselessness. A light that couldn't shine onto any darkness but was still enough for my most recent need.

The moment my eyes opened there was a bow made of light as was the quiver and arrows. It shone onto the snow and I looked at Windstad Manor close by. That simple building, built by my own hands, was a reminder of failure. It was the reason I had worked on a new Bound Bow spell.

Corpses once littered this place. Corpses created by dark entities not from Nirn. The Bound Bow of Light wavered briefly before I calmed down enough. I needed to be strong. Scouts-Many-Marshes would want me to be strong. He would say **** like I was stronger than I knew.

But I wasn't.

My head turned when a goat came down to the shore for a drink. It looked briefly around but the thirst must have been too strong. It was, at least, wise enough to know what a mistake it had made. But sometimes even the strongest people were made blind when a need was great enough.

The goat was not stupid. I was just aware of my opportunities.

The thrill of the hunt suddenly coursed through my veins and made my heart beat faster. This was the only true joy in life, the one facet that would never change, and I thanked Hircine before letting my arrow fly through the air. The shard of light tore through the air, tore through any shred of shadow, and tore through the goat.

A final bleat and the creature fell into the snow, a mere inch of its nose soaked in the water. Why had that final bleat sounded exactly like my family's screams?

Dark entities had caused the deaths of my husband and adopted children. Scouts, who had been my source of strength and support, must have fought bravely but that hadn't saved him. Lucia and Blaise, mere children, had stood no chance. It had been my duty to protect them and I had failed.

The pain that had started tearing at my soul again also made the bow waver. It had been my fault but mastering this new spell was the only way to kill any dark entities that dared to return. With the pain ripping my heart apart, I still managed to stop the Bound Bow of Light from wavering.

With a glance at the dead goat, I dispelled the spell and bowed to Hircine. He had taken the form of the goat. The Daedric Prince, the one I worshiped above even the Nine Divines, had been appearing much more since my family's massacre. Did he care for my pain? Or was there another reason? With such beings, it was hard to say and more than easy to make them a reflection of yourself.

[You once honored the hunt.] Hircine said as his voice spoke to my very essence. [Now you are worth little more than prey.]

"I still do, Hircine." I said and dared to look him in the eyes.

[Do not lie to me, Kysnier. If you truly honored the hunt you would be traveling much more than you do now. Ever since your family's demise, you prefer to be lost in sorrow. You don't even seek out your family's killer.]

As was usually the case, Hircine was right. I could still work on my Bound Bow of Light Spell while seeking out the true identities of the dark entities. Oblivion, such conviction would make the conjuration even easier for me.

"I am sorry, my Prince." I said and slowly stood up. "It is my fault. All of it. If I hadn't spent so much time ensuring High Queen Elisif's safety at the Moot, my family would still be alive."

And I would not now be the best political option for Elisif's new husband. Though, with my Dovah's blood racing through my veins, my distaste of the marriage was that it made controlling my darker instincts harder. With the Ring of Hircine, my natural death would be far in the future. And how would future generations feel being under the rule of an Argonian?

[If you had not dedicated yourself to protecting Elisif then your hunting grounds in Mundus would have been ruined.] Hircine pointed out coldly. [And what hunter can thrive when there is no prey?]

We turned our heads to see Eola walking towards us. The woman had introduce me to Namira and there was no way to properly thank her for such a gift. The Ring of Namira informed those servants of the Daedric Prince that I was the Champion of Namira.

The woman had become my most constant companion as of late. Not merely due to her dedication to me and her Daedric Prince. No, that was not all. It was also due to her beauty and the skills of lovemaking.

Eola smiled at me and then nodded to Hircine as she walked over. Though that wasn't what my eyes focused on. As was her way when traveling with me she wore Forsworn Armor, a Golden Saint Helmet, and Orcish Boots. That outfit didn't leave much to the imagination.

Instead of her smile, my eyes went to my companion's chest. The way the light graced them. The way they gentle went up and down. Eola laughed and quickly took her armor off.

My mouth met hers in a furious fashion. After a moment she pushed me away.

"I-" I growled.

"Let's continue inside." Eola replied with a chuckle, her hand running through my head feathers.

She knew just how to make me forget my troubles. As I raced after her, I decided time away from spellcasting would be best.

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