Sunday, June 2, 2024

In a Violent Nature (Mini-Review)

In a Violent Nature is a slasher from the perspective of the killer. Johnny is awoken from his undead slumber when a group of teenagers take a locket. Filled only with a need to kill and get his mother's locket back, he begins walking. In a Violent Nature was released in 2024. It was directed by Chris Nash. It stars Ry Barrett and Andrea Pavlovic.

There are no mid or post credits scenes. I would suggest waiting to leave until after the credits as the final scene is intense.

Movies from the villain's point of view are nothing new. They tend to make their stories spooky in an unusual way. Sometimes you pity the villain as you see who they are beneath everything. Other times you are utterly disgusted by their actions and pray that they are caught soon. In this movie there isn't much to be gleaned from the killer's mind. He is silent and a vessel of death. You don't learn much about the victims as, until the final scene, everything is from his point of view. So unless he is close to one of the victims, you don't learn anything.

While the kills are gruesome and two are beyond...I don't even have the words for them. One shows how slow and methodical the killer is. The other reminded me of one of those Transformers toys. Yet if that makes you really want to see the film, I need to warn you about the slow pace. Since it is from the killer's perspective and he walks between kills, there is a lot of time when nothing is happening. My favorite movie of all time is 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) which really only picks up in the final moments. So I don't mind if a movie takes its time as long as there is a good payoff. To me the payoff of all the waiting is worth it in this movie.

The aspect ratio of this film doesn't fill up the entire screen. This helps foster a feeling of being boxed in as well as nostalgia. While not going the distance like some movies, this one has the feel of a 90's slasher. Which does fit in well with seeing from the killer's perspective. I never got into horror movies until I was an adult, really was a wuss way back when, and so never watched 90's horror when they were released. Yet this movie gave me a sense of better times somehow.

I would highly recommend In a Violent Nature for those seeking a unique horror experience. I would also recommend In a Violent Nature to those looking for a good slasher.

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