Saturday, June 8, 2024

By His Decree

This is a Skyrim fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This is a drabble. Feel free to make a request or two.

"Your Thane needs to quiet his tongue." Thongvor Silver-Blood said as politely as he could.

Though I took offense at the man's tone and presence, I could understand the frustration. Not only did he have to look at an Argonian, a race he considered less than slaves, but I had been arguing for my people to be let into Windhelm for a solid month now.

"Jash killed Alduin and saved all of our souls." Jorleif said coldly. "If he wishes to spend his days in the Palace of the Kings arguing, it is his choice."

"I fought and bled for everyone, Silver-Blood." I retorted. "If you hate me, at least you're alive to do so."

"Thane Jash, I admire how hard you continue fight." Jarl Brunwulf Free-Winter said with genuine kindness. "But changes like you demand take time. They can't happen instantly."

For safety he wouldn't let my fellow Argonians into the city. At least that was the excuse he had used ever since he had taken his position as Jarl. But every change meant hardships. This was a thing everyone knew. However, Brunwulf was a soldier turned politician and had admitted this new battlefield was hard to understand. Which was the only reason I didn't dream about ending his life.

"Will you continue to not let Argonians in for their safety?" I asked.

"Yes and I know you won't do anything drastic." Brunwulf said with a sad smile. "And maybe stop coming here every day. Skyrim still needs you."

"I agree the place I helped save still needs me. But I won't end this fight. So I will move my family into Hjerim. My hope is that once these people see an Argonian living amongst them that they will grow used to my husband's presence. And our Jarl will gain experience to not fear any chaos caused by my people moving into Windhelm."

"You already live in this city, Argonian." Skald the Elder scoffed. "Why would your husband make the Jarl reconsider his position?"

"I am a hero with a thousand titles and deeds, Scouts-Many-Marshes is not. He also worked at the docks before marrying me and so the people already know him. Then there is the fact, except for rare instances, where my stay in any city is brief. Scouts and our two children will stay for much longer."

"I can't stop one of my Thanes from moving their family into my city." Brunwulf said. "So be it."

I bowed and walked out of the Palace of the Kings. Keenly aware of the angry eyes following me.
* * *
"Pa!" Blaise cried out as Lucia chased him with a chicken.

I leaned on the railing with my husband, Scouts-Many-Marshes, beside me. I had jokingly told Lucia that chickens were small gods and that it was a sin to harm one. She had laughed at the joke but somehow had convinced Blaise that it was the truth.

"You should tell them the truth, Jash." Scouts said.

"In time." I replied with a chuckle.

"Like always. We have lived here for awhile. Are you thinking of moving again?"

Out of all my properties, Lakeview Manor was my favorite. The mountains, lake, and temperature made living here perfect. Even when the sun left for the day, the cold was merely uncomfortable. Due to my many properties, though, I liked to allow my family to see a good portion of Skyrim. From the cities to the wilderness.

"We have lived together too long, my love." I answered. "Yes, I do plan to move us soon. This time to Windhelm. I'm hoping your presence will help the people understand us Argonians are not evil. That most of us just want to earn a living and find happiness."

"What about the children?" Scouts asked. "I lived on the docks and even there I could see the hatred. Our children won't be free from that hatred."

"Our children are human. We are not. Whatever dangers we face in Windhelm, it is unlikely they will have to endure them."

Lucia yelled out as the chicken was now chasing her. Blaine laughed at the sight of her dropping the creature and it turning on its captor. Such a small thing but it spoke to the Hunt. To the great truth that the predator always had the possibility of becoming the prey. Something only fools forgot.

"When will you be joining us?" Scouts asked.

"I have a few bounties to profit from. The usual kill a dragon or a giant. They won't take long to complete." I replied with a shrug.

"And the others?"

"I have made sure to do enough so my presence won't be missed for a little bit. I don't want to leave you in Windhelm alone too long."

Scouts rested his head on my shoulder as we watched our children.
* * *
In the violent snow storm I huddled close to the fire as I changed from Ebony Mail and Glass Helmet into my Archmage's Robes. Meanwhile J'Zargo put some of the loot into Hilda's Animal Pack. I sat on the small box and let all the memories flow through me. Specifically how thrilling killing my foes in the dungeon had been.

"This one wonders if the coin will be split evenly this time." J'Zargo said as he took his place by the fire.

"If it is that much of a concern to you, you can take the majority." I replied with a smirk. "There wasn't that much to take."

"A lot to fight, though."

"Yes there was."

Fighting, in its many forms, helped me continue on. It helped me provide for my family and allowed me a thrill few would ever understand. Those that continued to look for fame and fortune rarely succeeded as more than a bandit or scavenger.

J'Zargo noticed the footsteps first so I followed his eyes and saw a Courier walking through the storm. Had someone I known died? Was I about to get that terrible news? Now? After feeling so happy?

"I've been looking for you, Jash. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only." The Courier said. "It's from Windhelm."

After the man handed me the letter, he disappeared in the storm. He had letters to deliver and not much time to do so. My heart had stopped beating as I slowly opened the letter knowing the horrible news that it must contain. Scouts didn't write letters to me while on the road. Not unless it was important. He knew that I was a much different person when my blood boiled in depravity.

And there was only one important reason why he would contact me now


Father can't write this letter and I'm scared. He was attacked by a mob and we're scared. He's still alive but I don't know for how long. Can you come back home now?


"Is it Scouts?" J'Zargo asked as he noticed my darkening mood.

"A mob beat him up nearly to death." I hissed. "My poor, innocent man beaten nearly to death."

"You can't kill an entire mob."

"No, I will find the one to blame for this. A mob doesn't attack without someone directing their hatred. And for that person...they should pray to Hircine that I feel merciful. Death would be so much kinder than what my thoughts direct me to do now."
* * *
My head broke the water and I took in the cave's air. I needed to be away from people and so had retreated to Bloodchill Manor. It was hard to reach and so no one tended to bother me. The few who dared to attack this place were swiftly dealt with by Rafota, the Dark Brotherhood Initiate that was now traveling with me.

"What will you do about Skald?" Rafota asked, leaning on the railing of the bridge. "How shall we kill him?"

Skald, former Jarl of Dawnstar, had incited a group to attack Scouts. Now, according to messages from my children and housecarl, my husband clung on desperately to life. It was fear of failure that now kept me away from Windhelm. A weakness my loving husband shouldn't have to endure.

"Such injustice is why we're here." She continued. "How can there be so much evidence and no one is punished?"

"We're here to kill, nothing more. We're not to get too personal with our kills." I replied and climbed the steps out of the water. "You can justify that however you want."

"So when shall we leave to kill Skald?"

"The ability to kill gives us mortals an illusion of superiority. But murder can cause more problems than they solve. I will move pieces on the board so that justice will be served and nothing will point back to me. Well, that's not true. Rumors will float around but nothing shall come out in the light. Skald will suffer by my hands before finally being allowed into the Void. He will curse my name while cowering at my presence."
* * *
"Warm up by the fire." Iddra said as I stepped into Braidwood Inn.

I nodded graciously and stood as close to the fire as possible. It was the middle of the night and my body had been dangerously close to freezing. The only reason to risk such a fate was that Delvin Mallory wouldn't want to stay in the inn much longer.

After buying an ale, I spotted Delvin out of the corner of my eye and quietly made my way over to him.

"This better be important, boss." Delvin whispered.

"I wouldn't risk you coming here if it wasn't important." I replied and discreetly passed him a small bag. "The information is all there. Skald is in charge of an important shipment to the Thalmor. It's supposed to be a way for him to get into the Jarl's good graces. What I need you to do is put the Shrine of Talos into the shipment."

"And I'm just supposed to do this out of the kindness of my heart?"

"Don't be crass, friend. You may take whatever you want from the shipment as payment."
* * *
"Just three this time." I said and handed the parchment to Nazir.

"Will you be wanting any of these contracts?" Nazir asked.

"No, I have my own prey to hunt."

Nazir nodded and went to work deciding who would get each contract. Next time I returned to the Dawnstar Sanctuary I would sate more of my bloodlust. But, for now, I needed to work on making sure Skald and his ilk knew their place. Knew that messing with my family would have serious consequences.

"Help, please." One of the victims cried out, their voice now barely able to go above a whisper.

Their cries helped calm my own mind. Helped me to look at my thoughts without fear. At one point I would have been disgusted at doing this. But knowing oneself, truly appreciating one's darkness, was better than living a lie. And just because I could embrace my darkness didn't mean all light was extinguished. The dance of life, the dark and the light, was something I had a deep appreciation of.

"You wanted to see me, Listener?" Babette asked.

I turned and looked at what appeared to be a small child. Though she was actually a vampire that had lived hundreds of years. The perfect trap to put the final nail in Skald's coffin. Something that wouldn't be traced back to me and take place away from Windhelm. Thus making it even harder to prove my guilt.

"Skald, my prey, is in love with a woman." I said with a wicked grin. "Once he is exiled, or at least kicked out of Windhelm, I'm sure he will go crawling to her bed."

"A simple woman..." Babette mused. "Or else he would have her in Windhelm. Do you want her killed or something else?"

"Something else. Babette, I command you to turn Vatla the Bold into a vampire. I need you to make it clear to her that if she dares turn Skald I will torture both of them to my fullest talents."

"Yes, Listener." Babette said with bloodlust soaking her eyes.
* * *
I pushed the large doors open and gave Rafota enough coin to spend a week at Candlehearth Hall if she so chose. Though I was certain that she would go back to the Dawnstar Sanctuary as quickly as possible. The need for blood was much more important than safety for people like us. At least at times.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her turn around and not enter the city. May her prey be worthy and not just easy pickings. For a moment, merely a moment, I pitied anyone who crossed Rafota's path for they would not live.

I tried not to run to Scouts but when I got too close to Hjerim my feet wouldn't obey me. My children and housecarl moved out of my way as I went to Scouts' side. As soon as I could, I used Healing Hands and watched the light pierce his very being. But if actual healers couldn't help him, my efforts were in vain.

"I'm doing better, my love." Scouts said and touched my hand. "The Jarl isn't going to let me die so easily."

"I should have come here quicker." I replied, guilt making me turn my head away from him briefly.

"You're here and that's all that matters."

Scouts kissed me. And that one show of kindness helped me. It helped me deal with repairing his broken body. I sent for Colette Marence who restored Scouts back to normal. At least as close to normal as was possible.
* * *
"This is some of the best venison I've eaten, Thane." Jarl Brunwulf Free-Winter said.

It was noon and I had decided to make venison. While traveling I had hunted some elk but had never gotten to cooking it. With the end of my revenge in sight, I had decided on a special meal. Something that would impress the Jarl as well as allow me to get out my lingering tensions.

"On the road I do many things." I replied with a small nod as I bit off a piece of my own meal. "One of those things is improving my cooking. Scouts has to deal with our children while I'm away. The least I can do is cook for my family when home."

Brunwulf opened his mouth to reply but words never came out. Instead he closed his mouth in a frown as a few Thalmor stormed into the Palace of the Kings. I made sure not to grin and turned angrily to the scum of Skyrim. I would love nothing more than tearing them to pieces and eating them. But I couldn't act out now. Not until they started another war.

"Due to your obscene defiance, Brunwulf Free-Winter, I have been instructed to take you into custody." The Thalmor Justiciar said. "It will be best if you and your Thane don't resist."

"Of what crimes are you referring to?" Brunwulf asked, a barely audible growl hid under his voice. "I am aware of no crime I have committed."

"Do not deny what is true! Not only was half of our shipment missing, but you gave us a Shrine of Talos. We will not stand for such insolence!"

Delvin had done a great job. Just as I knew he would. Of course he would take so much as that was the way for him to get paid. I put a hand on a dagger just in case a fight against Brunwulf broke out. I did not want his blood on my hands. Not today. Not ever.

"Skald!" The Jarl yelled angrily. "I trusted that you would prove yourself a loyal servant. I trusted that you would bow to the Empire. Instead you proved your loyalty to Ulfric, even though he is dead and his rebellion stopped. I forgave your callous words when my own Thane's husband was nearly killed in a brawl. Changing your ways will take time and I had been willing to give you that. But now you will never be given such lenience again. Not when you shame my name in front of our allies!"

"We demand Skald so that we can execute him." The Justiciar said. "Once you give us the traitor, we will leave your city."

I stood up slowly so that no fighting would break out. The Thalmor were aware how viciously I attacked their kind away from towns and cities. We weren't friends and I didn't need that violence entering this space. Here in Windhelm we had to pretend to at least be polite with each other.

"The Empire will not have one of its own being taken away in such a manner." I said, crossing my arms. "You have accused the Jarl of Windhelm for a crime he didn't commit and now you expect us to forget that slight?"

"You act like you have a choice, lizard." The Justiciar said with a laugh. "We won't walk away empty handed."

"Nor am I asking you to."

"And what will satisfy us except Skald in our grasp?"

"The riches Skald still holds should be enough to compensate for the missing part of your shipment as well as the heretical Shrine of Talos. Skald will also be exiled from this city so that he must suffer the embarrassment of poverty. If he somehow attains riches, he won't have much time to relish in them."

"Jarl, you can't allow this insolence!" Skald yelled.

"Silence, traitor." The Jarl hissed. "My Thane makes a good offer. What say you, Thalmor?"

"Jash, have mercy on me. Forgive me my wrongs."

"I forgive you, Skald." I said. "But you must pay for your crimes. I am sure that you can find a woman to warm your bed so that you don't suffer alone."

"We accept the offer." The Justiciar said with a smirk at the pained look on Skald's face. "We will stay in the city to make sure you don't try anything."
* * *
"You're not leaving soon?" Lucia asked. "Are you, Pa?"

I shook my head and she smiled. After everything I had endured to make sure justice was served, I needed a good amount of rest. And what better rest was there than the love of family? Blaise and Lucia weren't Argonian, but they were my children nevertheless.

"What happened to Skald?" Scouts asked and I could hear the question underneath. "The Thalmor didn't leave the city until he did."

Scouts knew I was behind the former Jarl's exile. Later I would explain everything. Later he would be able to forgive me. He wasn't a violent man, but he had grown used to my way of expressing love. I couldn't let such a slight as Skald had committed go.

"Skald stole from and taunted the Thalmor." I explained, not wanting to go into detail in front our children. "The Thalmor wanted to take him into custody but I suggested another way. Justice was served, in my opinion."

"I guess you are right, my love." Scouts agreed, replying to the answer unspoken.

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